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#1 2012-02-11 22:13:00

Registered: 2011-03-18
Posts: 34

Freeglut pop-up menus "just don't work" (Regression)

Hi. I'm posting here because I really feel like a n00b when I can't figure out some stuff on my own (meaning "asking uncle G").

The problem is this: I'm following the great book OpenGL Super Bible and the companion projects. When I hit an example that uses pop-up menus, the program compiles successfully, runs successfully, the proper mouse and keyboard callbacks are registered, except for the pop-up menus.
Fidling around with the code I inserted some printf's to see where the problem was and figured out that the menu callback is never reached, so the problem is at creation time (meaning when one triggers the pop-up menu event). Obviously I have something missing that prevents freeglut from creating pop-up menus but I can't figure out what it is. I tested the same with the tutorial in Ligthouse3d and had the same result. The program runs but the pop-up menus don't work. Also there is no output in stderr at all.
I tested the same programs on LinuxMint and there they work without problems. Maybe there are some packages missing, I think they ae related to the fonts used by freeglut to render menus but I can't see which package provides the hardcoded GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18 defined in freeglut.

Any pointer is welcome, and thanks in advance smile

Edit: This is a regression in 2.8.0 package. Already reported

Last edited by samsagax (2012-04-19 15:46:08)


#2 2012-02-12 06:31:21

From: CA
Registered: 2010-03-24
Posts: 324

Re: Freeglut pop-up menus "just don't work" (Regression)

You should provide a little more info. smile Is your development/build environment the same on Mint and Arch? What compile flags are you using? Can you point to which example you are trying to build or post the relevant code to look at. Are you using glui or just glut?

Edit: I think this topic better belongs in the "Programming and Scripting" section. smile

Last edited by KingX (2012-02-12 06:33:58)


#3 2012-02-12 14:59:50

Registered: 2011-03-18
Posts: 34

Re: Freeglut pop-up menus "just don't work" (Regression)

Ok. I'll post the simplest code with the simplest compile command I used that worked on Mint but not in Arch.

Here is the Lighthouse3d example on Menus:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <GLUT/glut.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>

// angle of rotation for the camera direction
float angle = 0.0f;

// actual vector representing the camera's direction
float lx=0.0f,lz=-1.0f;

// XZ position of the camera
float x=0.0f, z=5.0f;

// the key states. These variables will be zero
//when no key is being presses
float deltaAngle = 0.0f;
float deltaMove = 0;
int xOrigin = -1;

// Constant definitions for Menus
#define RED 1
#define GREEN 2
#define BLUE 3
#define ORANGE 4

#define FILL 1
#define LINE 2

#define SHRINK 1
#define NORMAL 2

// Pop up menu identifiers
int fillMenu, shrinkMenu, mainMenu, colorMenu;

// color for the nose
float red = 1.0f, blue=0.5f, green=0.5f;

// scale of snowman
float scale = 1.0f;

// menu status
int menuFlag = 0;

void changeSize(int w, int h) {

	// Prevent a divide by zero, when window is too short
	// (you cant make a window of zero width).
	if (h == 0)
		h = 1;

	float ratio =  w * 1.0 / h;

	// Use the Projection Matrix

	// Reset Matrix

	// Set the viewport to be the entire window
	glViewport(0, 0, w, h);

	// Set the correct perspective.
	gluPerspective(45.0f, ratio, 0.1f, 100.0f);

	// Get Back to the Modelview

void drawSnowMan() {

	glScalef(scale, scale, scale);
	glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

// Draw Body
	glTranslatef(0.0f ,0.75f, 0.0f);

// Draw Head
	glTranslatef(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

// Draw Eyes
	glTranslatef(0.05f, 0.10f, 0.18f);
	glTranslatef(-0.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

// Draw Nose
	glColor3f(red, green, blue);
	glRotatef(0.0f,1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

void computePos(float deltaMove) {

	x += deltaMove * lx * 0.1f;
	z += deltaMove * lz * 0.1f;

void renderScene(void) {

	if (deltaMove)

	// Clear Color and Depth Buffers

	// Reset transformations
	// Set the camera
	gluLookAt(	x, 1.0f, z,
			x+lx, 1.0f,  z+lz,
			0.0f, 1.0f,  0.0f);

// Draw ground

	glColor3f(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
		glVertex3f(-100.0f, 0.0f, -100.0f);
		glVertex3f(-100.0f, 0.0f,  100.0f);
		glVertex3f( 100.0f, 0.0f,  100.0f);
		glVertex3f( 100.0f, 0.0f, -100.0f);

// Draw 36 SnowMen

	for(int i = -3; i < 3; i++)
		for(int j=-3; j < 3; j++) {
			glTranslatef(i*10.0f, 0.0f, j * 10.0f);

// -----------------------------------
//             KEYBOARD
// -----------------------------------

void processNormalKeys(unsigned char key, int xx, int yy) {

	switch (key) {
		case 27:

		case 's':
			if (!menuFlag)
		case 'c':
			if (!menuFlag)
	if (key == 27)

void pressKey(int key, int xx, int yy) {

	switch (key) {
		case GLUT_KEY_UP : deltaMove = 0.5f; break;
		case GLUT_KEY_DOWN : deltaMove = -0.5f; break;

void releaseKey(int key, int x, int y) {

	switch (key) {
		case GLUT_KEY_UP :
		case GLUT_KEY_DOWN : deltaMove = 0;break;

// -----------------------------------
//             MOUSE
// -----------------------------------

void mouseMove(int x, int y) {

	// this will only be true when the left button is down
	if (xOrigin >= 0) {

		// update deltaAngle
		deltaAngle = (x - xOrigin) * 0.001f;

		// update camera's direction
		lx = sin(angle + deltaAngle);
		lz = -cos(angle + deltaAngle);

void mouseButton(int button, int state, int x, int y) {

	// only start motion if the left button is pressed
	if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON) {

		// when the button is released
		if (state == GLUT_UP) {
			angle += deltaAngle;
			xOrigin = -1;
		else  {// state = GLUT_DOWN
			xOrigin = x;

// -----------------------------------
//             MENUS
// -----------------------------------

void processMenuStatus(int status, int x, int y) {

	if (status == GLUT_MENU_IN_USE)
		menuFlag = 1;
		menuFlag = 0;

void processMainMenu(int option) {

	// nothing to do in here
	// all actions are for submenus

void processFillMenu(int option) {

	switch (option) {

		case FILL: glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_FILL); break;
		case LINE: glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_LINE); break;

void processShrinkMenu(int option) {

	switch (option) {

		case SHRINK: scale = 0.5f; break;
		case NORMAL: scale = 1.0f; break;

void processColorMenu(int option) {

	switch (option) {
		case RED :
			red = 1.0f;
			green = 0.0f;
			blue = 0.0f; break;
		case GREEN :
			red = 0.0f;
			green = 1.0f;
			blue = 0.0f; break;
		case BLUE :
			red = 0.0f;
			green = 0.0f;
			blue = 1.0f; break;
		case ORANGE :
			red = 1.0f;
			green = 0.5f;
			blue = 0.5f; break;

void createPopupMenus() {

	shrinkMenu = glutCreateMenu(processShrinkMenu);


	fillMenu = glutCreateMenu(processFillMenu);


	colorMenu = glutCreateMenu(processColorMenu);

	mainMenu = glutCreateMenu(processMainMenu);

	glutAddSubMenu("Polygon Mode", fillMenu);
	glutAddSubMenu("Color", colorMenu);
	// attach the menu to the right button

	// this will allow us to know if the menu is active

// -----------------------------------
//             MAIN
// -----------------------------------

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

	// init GLUT and create window
	glutInit(&argc, argv);
	glutCreateWindow("Lighthouse3D - GLUT Tutorial");

	// register callbacks


	// here are the two new functions

	// OpenGL init

	// init Menus

	// enter GLUT event processing cycle

	return 1;

I named it "test.cpp" and compiled with:

gcc test.cpp -o test -lglut -lGLU -lGL -lm

The resulting binary shows a snowman and you can move around with keyboard and mouse. There is supposed to have a pop-up menu registered to the right mouse butto but never shows up.

I'm using freeglut only and here are all my packages:

a52dec 0.7.4-6
aalib 1.4rc5-9
abs 2.4.3-2
accountsservice 0.6.15-1
acl 2.2.51-1
acpi 1.6-1
acpid 2.0.14-1
aisleriot 3.2.2-1
alsa-lib 1.0.25-1
alsa-plugins 1.0.25-1
alsa-utils 1.0.25-1
apache 2.2.22-3
apr 1.4.5-2
apr-util 1.4.1-1
aspell-en 7.1-1
aspell-es 1.11-4
at-spi 1.32.0-5
at-spi2-atk 2.2.2-1
at-spi2-core 2.2.3-1
ati-dri 7.11.2-1
atk 2.2.0-1
atkmm 2.22.6-1
attica 0.3.0-1
attr 2.4.46-1
audacious 3.2-1
audacious-plugins 3.2-1
autoconf 2.68-2
automake 1.11.3-1
avahi 0.6.30-7
bash 4.2.020-1
bash-completion 1.3-2
bin86 0.16.18-3
binutils-multilib 2.22-4.1
bison 2.5-3
blas 3.4.0-1
bluez 4.98-2
bluez-firmware 1.2-6
bogofilter 1.2.2-4
boost 1.48.0-2
boost-libs 1.48.0-2
brasero 3.2.0-1
brltty 4.3-1
bumblebee 3.0-3
bzip2 1.0.6-3
ca-certificates 20111211-1
ca-certificates-java 20111223-1
cabextract 1.4-2
cairo 1.10.2-3
cairomm 1.10.0-2
cantarell-fonts 0.0.7-1
caribou 0.4.1-1
cdparanoia 10.2-4
cdrdao 1.2.3-6
cdrkit 1.1.11-2
cheese 3.2.2-1
cifs-utils 5.3-1
clamav 0.97.3-2
cloog 0.17.0-1
clutter 1.8.4-1
clutter-gst 1.4.6-1
clutter-gtk 1.0.4-1
cmake 2.8.7-2
cogl 1.8.2-1
coin 3.1.3-7
colord 0.1.16-1
compositeproto 0.4.2-2
consolekit 0.4.5-2
coreutils 8.15-1
cpufrequtils 008-2
cracklib 2.8.18-2
cronie 1.4.8-1
cryptsetup 1.4.1-1
ctags 5.8-3
cups-pk-helper 0.2.1-1
curl 7.24.0-2
damageproto 1.2.1-1
dasher 4.10.1-3
db 5.3.15-1
dbus 1.4.16-1
dbus-core 1.4.16-1
dbus-glib 0.98-1
dbus-python 0.84.0-1
dbus-sharp 0.7.0-4
dbus-sharp-glib 0.5.0-4
dconf 0.10.0-1
desktop-file-utils 0.19-1
desktop-privileges 0.2-3
dev86 0.16.18-3
device-mapper 2.02.90-1
dhcpcd 5.2.12-4
dialog 1.1_20111020-1
diffutils 3.2-1
dirmngr 1.1.0-3
djvulibre 3.5.24-3
dkms-bbswitch 0.4.1-1
dmxproto 2.3.1-1
dnsutils 9.8.1-2
docbook-xml 4.5-4
docbook-xsl 1.76.1-2
dosfstools 3.0.12-1
dotconf 1.3-3
dri2proto 2.6-1
dvd+rw-tools 7.1-4
e2fsprogs 1.42-1
eigen3 3.0.4-3
eject 2.1.5-7
ekiga 3.3.2-2
enca 1.13-2
enchant 1.6.0-4
eog 3.2.2-1
eog-plugins 3.2.2-1
epiphany 3.2.1-1
eventlog 0.2.12-3
evince 3.2.1-3
evolution 3.2.3-2
evolution-data-server 3.2.3-2
exempi 2.1.1-1
exiv2 0.22-1
expat 2.0.1-7
faac 1.28-3
faad2 2.7-3
faenza-icon-theme 1.2-2
fakeroot 1.18.2-1
farsight2 0.0.31-1
ffmpeg 20120127-3
fftw 3.3-1
file 5.10-1
file-roller 3.2.2-1
filesystem 2011.12-2
findutils 4.4.2-4
firefox 10.0.1-1
firefox-i18n-es-ar 10.0.1-1
fixesproto 5.0-1
flac 1.2.1-3
flex 2.5.35-5
fltk 1.3.0-3
fltk2 2.0-8
fluidsynth 1.1.5-1
folks 0.6.6-1
fontconfig 2.8.0-1
fontsproto 2.1.1-1
freecad 0.12.5284-3
freeglut 2.8.0-1
freetype2 2.4.8-1
fribidi 0.19.2-2
ftgl 2.1.3rc5-3
fuse 2.8.7-1
gawk 4.0.0-2
gcalctool 6.2.0-1
gcc-fortran 4.6.2-7
gcc-libs-multilib 4.6.2-7
gcc-multilib 4.6.2-7
gconf 3.2.3-1
gconf-editor 3.0.0-1
gconf-sharp 2.24.2-2
gd 2.0.36RC1-5
gdb 7.4-1
gdbm 1.10-1
gdk-pixbuf2 2.24.1-3
gedit 3.2.6-1
gftp 2.0.19-3
ghostscript 9.04-6
giflib 4.1.6-4
git 1.7.9-2
gjs 1.30.1-1
glew 1.7.0-2
glib-networking 2.30.2-1
glib2 2.30.2-2
glib2-docs 2.30.0-1
glibc 2.15-5
glibmm 2.30.1-1
glpk 4.47-1
glproto 1.4.14-1
gmime 2.6.4-1
gmp 5.0.3-1
gnome-applets 3.2.1-1
gnome-backgrounds 3.2.0-1
gnome-bluetooth 3.2.2-1
gnome-color-manager 3.2.2-2
gnome-common 2.34.0-1
gnome-contacts 3.2.2-1
gnome-control-center 3.2.2-1
gnome-desktop 3.2.1-1
gnome-disk-utility 3.0.2-2
gnome-doc-utils 0.20.6-1
gnome-documents 0.2.1-2
gnome-games 3.2.1-2
gnome-games-extra-data 3.2.0-1
gnome-icon-theme-extras 3.0.0-2
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.2.2-1
gnome-js-common 0.1.2-1
gnome-keyring 3.2.2-3
gnome-media 2.91.2-3
gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-5
gnome-nettool 3.0.1-1
gnome-online-accounts 3.2.1-1
gnome-packagekit 3.2.1-1
gnome-panel 3.2.1-1
gnome-power-manager 3.2.1-1
gnome-python 2.28.1-8
gnome-screensaver 3.2.0-1
gnome-session 3.2.1-1
gnome-settings-daemon 3.2.2-1
gnome-settings-daemon-updates 3.2.0-1
gnome-shell-cpufreq-git 20120204-1
gnome-shell-extension-presentation-mode-git 20120206-1
gnome-shell-extension-user-theme 3.2.3-1
gnome-speech 0.4.25-2
gnome-system-monitor 3.2.1-1
gnome-terminal 3.2.1-1
gnome-themes-standard 3.2.1-1
gnome-tweak-tool 3.2.2-2
gnome-user-docs 3.2.2-1
gnome-utils 3.2.1-1
gnome-vfs 2.24.4-6
gnome-video-effects 0.3.0-2
gnupg 1.4.12-1
gnupg2 2.0.18-1
gnutls 3.0.12-1
gobject-introspection 1.30.0-1
gparted 0.11.0-1
gperf 3.0.4-4
gpgme 1.3.1-2
gpm 1.20.6-7
grantlee 0.2.0-1
graphicsmagick 1.3.13-2
graphite 1:1.0.3-1
grep 2.10-2
groff 1.21-2
grub2-bios 1:1.99-6
grub2-common 1:1.99-6
gsettings-desktop-schemas 3.2.0-1
gsfonts 1.0.7pre44-3
gsl 1.15-1
gsm 1.0.13-6
gstreamer0.10 0.10.35-1
gstreamer0.10-bad 0.10.22-5
gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins 0.10.22-5
gstreamer0.10-base 0.10.35-1
gstreamer0.10-base-plugins 0.10.35-1
gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg 0.10.13-1
gstreamer0.10-good 0.10.30-2
gstreamer0.10-good-plugins 0.10.30-2
gstreamer0.10-python 0.10.22-1
gstreamer0.10-ugly 0.10.18-5
gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins 0.10.18-5
gtk-engine-unico 1.0.1-2
gtk-engines 2.20.2-2
gtk-sharp-2 2.12.11-1
gtk-update-icon-cache 2.24.10-1
gtk-vnc 0.4.4-1
gtk2 2.24.10-1
gtk3 3.2.3-2
gtkhtml4 4.2.3-1
gtkmm 2.24.2-2
gtkmm3 3.2.0-1
gtksourceview3 3.2.3-2
gtkspell 2.0.16-1
gucharmap 3.2.2-1
guile 1.8.8-1
gvfs 1.10.1-2
gvfs-obexftp 1.10.1-2
gvim 7.3.434-1
gzip 1.4-4
hdf5 1.8.8-1
hdparm 9.38-1
heirloom-mailx 12.5-3
help2man 1.40.5-1
hicolor-icon-theme 0.12-2
hspell 1.1-1
hunspell 1.3.2-1
hyphen 2.8.3-1
iana-etc 2.30-2
iasl 20111123-1
icon-naming-utils 0.8.90-2
idnkit 1.0-2
ilmbase 1.0.2-1
imlib2 1.4.5-2
inetutils 1.9.1-1
initscripts 2012.01.3-1
inputproto 2.0.2-1
intel-dri 7.11.2-1
intltool 0.50.0-1
iproute2 3.2.0-2
iputils 20101006-2
isl 0.09-1
iso-codes 3.32-1
jack 0.121.3-5
jasper 1.900.1-7
jdk7-openjdk 7.b147_2.0-6
jfsutils 1.1.15-3
jre7-openjdk 7.b147_2.0-6
jre7-openjdk-headless 7.b147_2.0-6
js 1.8.5-3
json-c 0.9-1
json-glib 0.14.2-1
kbd 1.15.3-2
kbproto 1.0.5-1
kdebase-runtime 4.8.0-1
kdeedu-ktouch 4.8.0-1
kdelibs 4.8.0-3
keyutils 1.5.5-1
kmod 4-2
krb5 1.9.2-2
ladspa 1.13-3
lame 3.99.4-1
lapack 3.4.0-1
lcms 1.19-2
lcms2 2.3-2
less 444-3
lib32-alsa-lib 1.0.25-1
lib32-alsa-plugins 1.0.25-1
lib32-attr 2.4.46-2
lib32-dbus-core 1.4.16-1
lib32-expat 2.0.1-8
lib32-flac 1.2.1-8
lib32-gcc-libs 4.6.2-7
lib32-glibc 2.15-5
lib32-intel-dri 7.11.2-3
lib32-json-c 0.9-2
lib32-libasyncns 0.8-6
lib32-libcap 2.22-1
lib32-libdrm 2.4.30-1
lib32-libgl 7.11.2-3
lib32-libglapi 7.11.2-3
lib32-libice 1.0.7-2
lib32-libjpeg-turbo 1.1.1-1
lib32-libogg 1.3.0-1
lib32-libpciaccess 0.12.1-3
lib32-libpulse 1.1-2
lib32-libsm 1.2.0-2
lib32-libsndfile 1.0.25-2
lib32-libvorbis 1.3.3-1
lib32-libx11 1.4.4-1
lib32-libxau 1.0.6-3
lib32-libxcb 1.7-3
lib32-libxdamage 1.1.3-4
lib32-libxdmcp 1.1.0-2
lib32-libxext 1.3.0-1
lib32-libxfixes 5.0-1
lib32-libxi 1.4.5-1
lib32-libxt 1.1.1-2
lib32-libxtst 1.2.0-2
lib32-libxxf86vm 1.1.1-2
lib32-mesa 7.11.2-3
lib32-nouveau-dri 7.11.2-3
lib32-util-linux 2.20.1-1
lib32-xcb-util 0.3.8-1
libao 1.1.0-2
libarchive 3.0.3-3
libart-lgpl 2.3.21-1
libass 0.10.0-3
libassuan 2.0.3-1
libasyncns 0.8-4
libatasmart 0.18-1
libavc1394 0.5.4-1
libbonobo 2.32.1-1
libbonoboui 2.24.5-2
libbsd 0.3.0-1
libcaca 0.99.beta17-1
libcanberra 0.28-2
libcanberra-pulse 0.28-2
libcap 2.22-2
libcap-ng 0.6.6-1
libcdaudio 0.99.12-5
libcddb 1.3.2-3
libcdio 0.82-1
libchamplain 0.12.0-1
libcl 1.1-2
libcroco 0.6.3-1
libcups 1.5.2-1
libdaemon 0.14-2
libdatrie 0.2.5-1
libdbusmenu-qt 0.9.0-2
libdc1394 2.1.3-2
libdca 0.0.5-3
libdiscid 0.2.2-1
libdmx 1.1.1-1
libdrm 2.4.31-1
libdv 1.0.0-3
libdvbpsi 0.2.2-1
libdvdcss 1.2.11-1
libdvdnav 4.2.0-2
libdvdread 4.2.0-1
libebml 1.2.2-2
libedit 20110802_3.0-1
libevent 2.0.16-1
libexif 0.6.20-1
libfetch 2.33-3
libffi 3.0.10-1
libfontenc 1.1.0-1
libgcrypt 1.5.0-1
libgdata 0.10.1-1
libgdiplus 2.10-2
libgdu 3.0.2-2
libgee 0.6.4-1
libgl 7.11.2-1
libglade 2.6.4-2
libglapi 7.11.2-1
libgme 0.6.0-1
libgnome 2.32.1-2
libgnome-data 2.32.1-2
libgnome-keyring 3.2.2-1
libgnome-media-profiles 3.0.0-3
libgnomecanvas 2.30.3-2
libgnomekbd 3.2.0-1
libgnomeui 2.24.5-1
libgpg-error 1.10-1
libgphoto2 2.4.11-1
libgsf 1.14.22-2
libgssglue 0.3-1
libgtop 2.28.4-1
libguess 1.1-1
libgusb 0.1.3-1
libgweather 3.2.1-1
libical 0.46-2
libice 1.0.7-1
libid3tag 0.15.1b-6
libidl2 0.8.14-1
libidn 1.24-1
libiec61883 1.2.0-3
libieee1284 0.2.11-3
libimobiledevice 1.1.1-2
libiodbc 3.52.7-5
libjpeg-turbo 1.1.1-4
libksba 1.2.0-2
libldap 2.4.28-2
liblouis 2.3.0-1
liblrdf 0.4.0-9
libltdl 2.4.2-3
libmad 0.15.1b-6
libmatroska 1.3.0-2
libmms 0.6.2-1
libmng 1.0.10-4
libmowgli 1.0.0-1
libmp4v2 1.9.1-2
libmpc 0.9-2
libmpcdec 1.2.6-3
libmpeg2 0.5.1-3
libmtp 1.1.1-1
libmusicbrainz3 3.0.3-1
libmysqlclient 5.5.20-1
libnice 0.1.1-1
libnl 1.1-3
libnotify 0.7.4-1
liboauth 0.9.6-1
libofa 0.9.3-3
libogg 1.3.0-1
libpcap 1.2.1-1
libpciaccess 0.12.1-1
libpeas 1.2.0-1
libpipeline 1.2.0-2
libplist 1.4-1
libpng 1.5.8-1
libproxy 0.4.7-1
libpst 0.6.53-2
libpulse 1.1-2
libpurple 2.10.1-1
libqzeitgeist 0.8.0-2
libraw1394 2.0.7-2
librecad 1.0.1-1
libreoffice-base 3.4.5-2
libreoffice-calc 3.4.5-2
libreoffice-common 3.4.5-2
libreoffice-draw 3.4.5-2
libreoffice-es 3.4.5-2
libreoffice-gnome 3.4.5-2
libreoffice-impress 3.4.5-2
libreoffice-kde4 3.4.5-2
libreoffice-math 3.4.5-2
libreoffice-sdk 3.4.5-2
libreoffice-sdk-doc 3.4.5-2
libreoffice-writer 3.4.5-2
librsvg 2.34.2-3
libsamplerate 0.1.8-1
libsasl 2.1.23-9
libshout 1:2.3.0-1
libsidplay 1.36.59-4
libsigc++ 2.2.10-1
libsm 1.2.0-1
libsndfile 1.0.25-2
libsocialweb 0.25.19-2
libsoup 2.36.1-1
libsoup-gnome 2.36.1-1
libspectre 0.2.6-2
libspnav 0.2.2-2
libssh 0.5.2-1
libssh2 1.4.0-1
libstdc++5 3.3.6-4
libtasn1 2.9-1
libtextcat 2.2-8
libthai 0.1.16-1
libtheora 1.1.1-2
libtiff 4.0.0-1
libtirpc 0.2.2-2
libtool 2.4.2-3
libtracker-sparql 0.12.9-2
libunique 1.1.6-5
libunique3 3.0.2-2
libupnp 1.6.15-1
libusb 1.0.8-2
libusb-compat 0.1.3-2
libva 1.0.15-1
libva-driver-intel 1.0.15-1
libvdpau 0.4.1-2
libvisual 0.4.0-3
libvorbis 1.3.3-1
libvpx 1.0.0-1
libwebkit 1.6.3-1
libwebkit3 1.6.3-1
libwnck 2.30.7-1
libwnck3 3.2.1-1
libwpd 0.9.2-1
libwps 0.2.2-1
libx11 1.4.4-1
libxau 1.0.6-1
libxaw 1.0.9-1
libxcb 1.7-2
libxcomposite 0.4.3-1
libxcursor 1.1.12-1
libxdamage 1.1.3-1
libxdmcp 1.1.0-1
libxext 1.3.0-1
libxfixes 5.0-1
libxfont 1.4.4-1
libxft 2.2.0-1
libxi 1.4.5-1
libxinerama 1.1.1-1
libxkbfile 1.0.7-1
libxklavier 5.1-1
libxml++ 2.34.2-1
libxml2 2.7.8-2
libxmu 1.1.0-1
libxpm 3.5.9-1
libxrandr 1.3.2-2
libxrender 0.9.6-1
libxres 1.0.5-1
libxslt 1.1.26-3
libxss 1.2.1-1
libxt 1.1.1-1
libxtst 1.2.0-1
libxv 1.0.6-1
libxvmc 1.0.6-1
libxxf86dga 1.1.2-1
libxxf86vm 1.1.1-1
libyaml 0.1.4-1
libytnef 1.5-3
licenses 2.9-1
linux 3.2.5-1
linux-api-headers 3.1.6-1
linux-docs 3.2.5-1
linux-firmware 20120205-1
linux-headers 3.2.5-1
lm_sensors 3.3.1-2
logrotate 3.8.1-1
lsb-release 1.4-10
lsof 4.85-1
lua 5.1.4-9
lvm2 2.02.90-1
lzo2 2.06-1
m4 1.4.16-2
mach64-dri 7.11.2-1
make 3.82-4
man-pages 3.35-1
mash 0.1.0-2
mcpp 2.7.2-3
mdadm 3.2.3-1
mesa 7.11.2-1
mesa-demos 8.0.1-1
metacity 2.34.1-2
mga-dri 7.11.2-1
midori 0.4.3-1
mime-types 8-1
mint-z-theme 1.1.4-1
mjpegtools 2.0.0-2
mkinitcpio 0.8.2-1
mkinitcpio-busybox 1.19.2-1
mlocate 0.24-2
mobile-broadband-provider-info 20110511-1
mono 2.10.8-1
mono-addins 0.6.2-2
mousetweaks 3.2.1-1
mozilla-common 1.4-3
mpfr 3.1.0.p3-1
mtools 4.0.17-2
mumble 1.2.3-4
musicbrainz 2.1.5-5
mutter 3.2.2-2
mx 1.4.1-1
mysql 5.5.20-1
mysql-clients 5.5.20-1
nano 2.2.6-2
nasm 2.09.10-1
nautilus 3.2.1-1
nautilus-sendto 3.0.1-2
ncurses 5.9-2
neon 0.29.6-2
netbeans 7.1-2
netkit-bsd-finger 0.17-6
netlogo 4.1.3-1
nettle 2.4-1
ninja-ide 1.1-1
notification-daemon 0.7.3-1
nouveau-dri 7.11.2-1
nspr 4.8.9-2
nss 3.13.1-2
ntfs-3g 2012.1.15-1
ntrack 1:16-1
obex-data-server 0.4.6-2
obexd-client 0.44-1
octave 3.4.3-2
opal 3.10.2-4
openal 1.13-3
opencascade 6.5.2-1
opencl-nvidia 290.10-1
opencore-amr 0.1.2-1
openexr 1.7.0-2
openjpeg 1.4-1
openobex 1.5-2
openssh 5.9p1-5
openssl 1.0.0.g-1
openttd 1.2.0beta4-1
openttd-opengfx 0.4.1-1
openttd-openmsx 0.3.1-2
openttd-opensfx 0.2.3-3
orbit2 2.14.19-1
orc 0.4.16-1
orca 3.2.2-1
oxygen-icons 4.8.0-1
p11-kit 0.9-1
p7zip 9.20.1-6
package-query 1.0.1-1
packagekit 0.6.21-2
pacman 4.0.1-4
pacman-mirrorlist 20120211-1
pam 1.1.5-2
pango 1.29.4-1
pangomm 2.28.4-1
parted 3.0-4
patch 2.6.1-3
pciutils 3.1.8-1
pcmciautils 018-1
pcre 8.30-1
performous-git 20111228-1
perl 5.14.2-7
perl-error 0.17016-2
perl-locale-gettext 1.05-8
perl-test-pod 1.45-1
perl-xml-parser 2.41-1
perl-xml-simple 2.18-3
perl-yaml-syck 1.17-2
phonon 1:4.6.0-2
phonon-gstreamer 4.5.1-1
php 5.3.10-4
php-apache 5.3.10-4
pidgin 2.10.1-1
pidgin-musictracker 0.4.22-3
pinentry 0.8.1-3
pivy-hg 20100809-4
pixman 0.24.4-1
pkg-config 0.26-2
pkgstats 2.1-5
pm-quirks 0.20100619-2
pm-utils 1.4.1-4
polkit 0.104-1
polkit-gnome 0.105-1
polkit-qt 0.103.0-1
poppler 0.18.3-2
poppler-data 0.4.5-1
poppler-glib 0.18.3-2
popt 1.16-4
portaudio 19_20110326-1
ppl 0.11.2-2
ppp 2.4.5-3
procps 3.2.8-4
protobuf 2.4.1-1
psmisc 22.15-1
pth 2.0.7-4
ptlib 2.10.2-1
pulseaudio 1.1-2
pulseaudio-alsa 2-1
pyatspi 2.2.1-1
pygobject-devel 3.0.3-1
pygobject2-devel 2.28.6-4
pygtk 2.24.0-3
pyorbit 2.24.0-3
pyqt 4.9-2
python 3.2.2-2
python-distutils-extra 2.29-1
python2 2.7.2-5
python2-bonobo 2.28.1-8
python2-cairo 1.10.0-1
python2-distribute 0.6.24-1
python2-gconf 2.28.1-8
python2-gnomecanvas 2.28.1-8
python2-gnomevfs 2.28.1-8
python2-gobject 3.0.3-1
python2-gobject2 2.28.6-4
python2-libgnome 2.28.1-8
python2-pygments 1.4-5
python2-pyqt 4.9-2
python2-rope 0.9.3-6
python2-sip 4.13.1-1
pyxdg 0.19-2
qca 2.0.3-2
qhull 2010.1-1
qt 4.8.0-4
qtwebkit 2.2.1-2
r128-dri 7.11.2-1
randrproto 1.3.2-1
raptor 2.0.6-1
rarian 0.8.1-2
rasqal 1:0.9.28-1
readline 6.2.002-1
recode 3.6-6
recordproto 1.14.1-1
redland 1:1.0.15-3
redland-storage-virtuoso 1:1.0.15-3
reflector 2011.05.13.1-1
reiserfsprogs 3.6.21-4
renderproto 0.11.1-1
rest 0.7.12-1
rhino 1.7R3-1
rsync 3.0.9-2
rtkit 0.10-3
rtmpdump 2.4-1
ruby 1.9.3_p0-3
run-parts 4.2.1-1
sane 1.0.22-5
savage-dri 7.11.2-1
schroedinger 1.0.11-1
scrnsaverproto 1.2.1-1
sdl 1.2.15-1
sdl_image 1.2.12-2
sdparm 1.07-1
seahorse 3.2.2-2
sed 4.2.1-4
seed 3.2.0-1
sg3_utils 1.33-1
shared-color-profiles 0.1.5-1
shared-color-targets 0.1.0-1
shared-desktop-ontologies 0.9.0-1
shared-mime-info 1.0-1
sip 4.13.1-1
sis-dri 7.11.2-1
smbclient 3.6.3-1
soprano 2.7.4-1
soqt 1.5.0-3
sound-juicer 2.32.1-1
sound-theme-freedesktop 0.7-1
soundconverter 2.0.1-1
soundtouch 1.6.0-1
speech-dispatcher 0.7.1-5
speex 1.2rc1-2
sqlite3 3.7.10-1
startup-notification 0.12-2
strigi 0.7.7-1
subversion 1.7.2-2
sudo 1.8.3.p2-2
sushi 0.2.1-1
swig1 1.3.40-1
sysfsutils 2.1.0-7
syslinux 4.05-1
syslog-ng 3.3.4-2
sysvinit 2.88-3
t1lib 5.1.2-3
taglib 1.7-3
talloc 2.0.7-1
tar 1.26-2
tcl 8.5.11-1
tdb 1.2.9-2
tdfx-dri 7.11.2-1
teamspeak3 3.0.3-1
telepathy-glib 0.16.4-1
telepathy-logger 0.2.12-1
telepathy-mission-control 5.10.1-1
texinfo 4.13a-7
timidity++ 2.13.2-11
timidity-freepats 20060219-5
tk 8.5.11-1
tomboy 1.8.3-1
totem 3.2.1-1
totem-plparser 2.32.6-3
totem-plugin 3.2.1-1
tracker 0.12.9-2
transmission-gtk 2.42-2
ttf-aller 1.0-3
ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-8
ttf-dejavu 2.33-1
ttf-freefont 20100919-2
ttf-liberation 1.07.1-1
ttf-linux-libertine 5.1.3-2
turbojpeg 1.1.1-1
tzdata 2011n-1
udev 180-1
udisks 1.0.4-1
unixodbc 2.3.1-1
unrar 4.1.4-2
unzip 6.0-5
upower 0.9.15-1
urbanterror 4.1-11
urbanterror-data 4.1.1-1
usb-creator 0.2.34-2
usbmuxd 1.0.7-2
usbutils 004-1
util-linux 2.20.1-2
v4l-utils 0.8.6-1
valgrind 3.7.0-2
vdpau-video 0.7.3-3
vi 1:050325-2
videoproto 2.3.1-1
vim-a 2.18-5
vim-bufexplorer 7.2.8-4
vim-buftabs 0.18-1
vim-c 5.11-2
vim-colorsamplerpack 8.03-2
vim-doxygentoolkit 0.2.13-1
vim-guicolorscheme 1.2-3
vim-minibufexpl 6.4.2-1
vim-nerdcommenter 2.3.0-1
vim-omnicppcomplete 0.4.1-5
vim-project 1.4.1-5
vim-runtime 7.3.434-1
vim-syntastic-git 20111230-1
vim-taglist 45-4
vim-ultisnips 2.0-1
vim-vcscommand 1.99.46-2
vim-workspace 1.0b1-5
vinagre 3.2.2-1
vino 3.2.2-1
virtualbox 4.1.8-2
virtualbox-modules 4.1.8-3
virtualgl 2.3-2
virtuoso 6.1.4-2
vlc 1.1.13-6
vorbis-tools 1.4.0-3
vte-common 0.30.1-2
vte3 0.30.1-2
wavpack 4.60.1-2
wget 1.13.4-1
which 2.20-5
whois 5.0.14-1
wireless_tools 29-6
wpa_supplicant 0.7.3-4
x264 20120204-1
xalan-c 1.11_pre1153059-1
xcb-proto 1.6-2
xcb-util 0.3.8-1
xcb-util-keysyms 0.3.8-1
xdg-user-dirs 0.14-1
xdg-utils 1.1.0rc1-3
xerces-c 3.1.1-2
xextproto 7.2.0-1
xf86-input-acecad 1.5.0-2
xf86-input-aiptek 1.4.1-2
xf86-input-evdev 2.6.0-4
xf86-input-joystick 1.6.0-3
xf86-input-keyboard 1.6.1-1
xf86-input-mouse 1.7.1-2
xf86-input-synaptics 1.5.0-1
xf86-input-vmmouse 12.7.0-3
xf86-input-void 1.4.0-2
xf86-video-apm 1.2.3-4
xf86-video-ark 0.7.3-4
xf86-video-ast 0.93.9-1
xf86-video-ati 6.14.3-1
xf86-video-chips 1.2.4-3
xf86-video-cirrus 1.3.2-7
xf86-video-dummy 0.3.4-5
xf86-video-fbdev 0.4.2-5
xf86-video-glint 1.2.6-1
xf86-video-i128 1.3.4-4
xf86-video-i740 1.3.2-7
xf86-video-intel 2.17.0-2
xf86-video-mach64 6.9.0-2
xf86-video-mga 1.4.13-4
xf86-video-neomagic 1.2.5-5
xf86-video-nouveau 0.0.16_git20120106-1
xf86-video-nv 2.1.18-4
xf86-video-r128 6.8.1-7
xf86-video-rendition 4.2.4-5
xf86-video-s3 0.6.3-6
xf86-video-s3virge 1.10.4-6
xf86-video-savage 2.3.3-1
xf86-video-siliconmotion 1.7.5-3
xf86-video-sis 0.10.3-5
xf86-video-sisusb 0.9.4-5
xf86-video-tdfx 1.4.3-7
xf86-video-trident 1.3.4-5
xf86-video-tseng 1.2.4-5
xf86-video-v4l 0.2.0-9
xf86-video-vesa 2.3.0-7
xf86-video-vmware 11.1.0-1
xf86-video-voodoo 1.2.4-5
xf86-video-xgi 1.6.0-4
xf86-video-xgixp 1.8.0-4
xf86dgaproto 2.1-2
xf86driproto 2.1.1-1
xf86vidmodeproto 2.3.1-1
xfsprogs 3.1.7-1
xineramaproto 1.2.1-1
xinetd 2.3.14-8
xkeyboard-config 2.5.1-1
xmlto 0.0.25-2
xorg-bdftopcf 1.0.3-1
xorg-docs 1.6-1
xorg-font-util 1.2.0-2
xorg-font-utils 7.6-2
xorg-fonts-100dpi 1.0.1-3
xorg-fonts-75dpi 1.0.1-3
xorg-fonts-alias 1.0.2-2
xorg-fonts-encodings 1.0.4-1
xorg-fonts-misc 1.0.1-1
xorg-fonts-type1 7.4-1
xorg-iceauth 1.0.5-1
xorg-luit 1.1.0-3
xorg-mkfontdir 1.0.7-1
xorg-mkfontscale 1.1.0-1
xorg-server 1.11.4-1
xorg-server-common 1.11.4-1
xorg-server-xvfb 1.11.4-1
xorg-sessreg 1.0.7-1
xorg-setxkbmap 1.2.0-3
xorg-smproxy 1.0.5-1
xorg-x11perf 1.5.4-1
xorg-xauth 1.0.6-1
xorg-xbacklight 1.1.2-2
xorg-xcmsdb 1.0.3-2
xorg-xcursorgen 1.0.4-3
xorg-xdpyinfo 1.3.0-1
xorg-xdriinfo 1.0.4-2
xorg-xev 1.1.0-3
xorg-xgamma 1.0.4-2
xorg-xhost 1.0.4-2
xorg-xinput 1.5.3-2
xorg-xkbcomp 1.2.3-1
xorg-xkbevd 1.1.2-2
xorg-xkbutils 1.0.3-2
xorg-xkill 1.0.3-2
xorg-xlsatoms 1.1.0-2
xorg-xlsclients 1.1.2-1
xorg-xmodmap 1.0.5-2
xorg-xpr 1.0.3-2
xorg-xprop 1.2.1-1
xorg-xrandr 1.3.5-1
xorg-xrdb 1.0.9-1
xorg-xrefresh 1.0.4-2
xorg-xset 1.2.2-1
xorg-xsetroot 1.1.0-2
xorg-xvinfo 1.1.1-2
xorg-xwd 1.0.4-2
xorg-xwininfo 1.1.2-1
xorg-xwud 1.0.3-2
xproto 7.0.22-1
xvidcore 1.3.2-1
xz 5.0.3-1
yajl 2.0.4-1
yaourt 1.0.1-1
yelp 3.2.1-1
yelp-xsl 3.2.1-1
zenity 3.2.0-1
zip 3.0-3
zlib 1.2.6-1
zsync 0.6.2-1
zvbi 0.2.33-4

Interesting is that freeglut package in Mint is an older version (2.6.0) than ArchLinux (2.8.0). I'm making a package for 2.6.0 now to check if it's a regression in freeglut.

Edit: Of course it is a regression... Reported: … tid=101032

Last edited by samsagax (2012-02-12 15:19:17)


#4 2012-02-12 18:26:16

From: CA
Registered: 2010-03-24
Posts: 324

Re: Freeglut pop-up menus "just don't work" (Regression)

My first thought was that perhaps not linking the X11 library was causing the pop-up window to not show, but linking with X11 doesn't work. But glad you tracked down the regression and reported it. smile


#5 2012-02-13 13:24:01

Registered: 2011-03-18
Posts: 34

Re: Freeglut pop-up menus "just don't work" (Regression)

Didn't get any answer yet on this. The only change I made to get it working was recompile and install the 2.6.0 package.


#6 2012-04-19 08:44:29

Registered: 2006-06-10
Posts: 260

Re: Freeglut pop-up menus "just don't work" (Regression)

I have the same problem, no fix yet..


#7 2012-04-19 15:45:17

Registered: 2011-03-18
Posts: 34

Re: Freeglut pop-up menus "just don't work" (Regression)

I recompiled v2.6.0 and pinned it in pacman.conf


#8 2012-06-05 08:59:33

From: Switzerland
Registered: 2011-08-16
Posts: 6

Re: Freeglut pop-up menus "just don't work" (Regression)

Hi samsagax,

Thanks for the info, I was also wondering !

I just tried to actually compile the 2.6.0 version of freeglut (downloaded from sourceforge) but couldn't.
I got some compilation errors :

/usr/bin/ld: CallbackMaker-CallbackMaker.o: undefined reference to symbol 'glDisable'
/usr/bin/ld: note: 'glDisable' is defined in DSO /usr/lib/ so try adding it to the linker command line
/usr/lib/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[4]: *** [CallbackMaker] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/daniel/Programs/Builds/freeglut-2.6.0/progs/demos/CallbackMaker'
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/daniel/Programs/Builds/freeglut-2.6.0/progs/demos'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/daniel/Programs/Builds/freeglut-2.6.0/progs'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/daniel/Programs/Builds/freeglut-2.6.0'
make: *** [all] Error 2

Did you get into any trouble of this kind ?

I am using the intel i915 driver for my integrated HD2000 graphic card.
It might be the source of the problem ?

Any ideas ?


#9 2012-06-05 15:36:34

Registered: 2011-03-18
Posts: 34

Re: Freeglut pop-up menus "just don't work" (Regression)

Mhh seems that ld can't find LibGL.

I don't think is a driver issue. Are you using mesa's GL? or a proprietary one?

This is the PKGBUILD I used:

pkgdesc="Provides functionality for small OpenGL programs"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
depends=('libxxf86vm' 'mesa' 'libxi')

build() {
  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
  ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-static
  make all

package() {
  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
  install -Dm644 COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"


#10 2012-06-06 05:47:29

From: Switzerland
Registered: 2011-08-16
Posts: 6

Re: Freeglut pop-up menus "just don't work" (Regression)


Thanks for the PKGBUILD !
Actually I did grab the PKGBUILD of v2.6 from the archlinux package repository, but I guess it wasn't a good idea ?

And it did not compile with "./configure; make" either.

Anyways, with your PKGBUILD it worked fine, and I was able to downgrade to v2.6.0.

Thanks samsagax :-)


#11 2012-07-30 09:32:57

Registered: 2012-07-30
Posts: 6

Re: Freeglut pop-up menus "just don't work" (Regression)

I just faced this very problem and solved it this way:

Download this:


Then run:

pacman -U ./freeglut-2.6.0-1-{i686|x86_64}.pkg.tar.gz

End then it worked.


#12 2012-07-30 17:47:37

Registered: 2011-03-18
Posts: 34

Re: Freeglut pop-up menus "just don't work" (Regression)

This problem is fixed upstream in r1379.

Wait for new version, meanwhile stick to 2.6


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