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I was installing arch in new pc when after a successful fetch of pacman - Syu I get 2 errors.
1. /etc/mtab exists.
2. /etc/some file exists
Installation aborted.
Now I removed both the files and after doing some research I found out that I had to force the installation instead of deleting the file.
Now after deleting the partition I get error -> no partitions and all,
How do I generate mtab and continue with the installation /
Please do help.
Either symlink /etc/mtab to /proc/self/mounts or just disable diskspace checking in pacman.conf for this upgrade
Thanks allan. Will try that out.
In another PC I did an install and ran pacman -Syuf
after the successful upgrade I reboot, and after that every time I try to boot in arch or safe model.
I get the error.
cannot locate boot device /dev/sda2
cannot open tty.
The menu entry does point to right device (hd0,1) which is sda2 ?
What should I do now ?
What you did was wrong. It broke the system. You can potentially put the mtab back to its original state from a live cd. … -required/
There are a lot of other older threads about this as well.
If you still get an error regarding some file or something just temporily rename it for the upgrade.
If re-creating the mtab as it orginally existed seems complicated I would suggest reinstalling it correctly using the
>pacman -S filesystem --force
command and then renaming that file that is likely to come up.
Last edited by akspecs (2012-02-26 21:13:40)
I'll add -Syuf is usually not a good idea. If you have to force for a specific package, then only do so for that package, e.g. as akspecs gives in example.
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So instead of pacman -Syu I need to use the pacman -S filesystem --force ?
That will do a fine upgrade ?
Is there a way to put the file back using CD ?
You shouldn't be getting these errors during an installation with the newest installation image. I would also suggest that you download and burn the newest install image.
#binarii @
Matrix Server:
Allan -> ArchBang is not supported because it is stupid.
You shouldn't be getting these errors during an installation with the newest installation image. I would also suggest that you download and burn the newest install image.
unless your doing a net install or archboot install this is unavoidable.
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