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Pages: 1
I installed two OS Linux and then I finally installed Arch Linux, I installed grub. The problem is once I reboot and got on my session I tried update-grub command but it doesn't seems to exist and don't know how to handle with grub update because the menu.lst just list Arch Linux but not the two others OS.
So I tried installing grub2 (that removed of course grub) but now when I reboot I got on a grub minimal-bash shell.
I don't know how to access archlinux anymore and I feel like grub2 is all a mess !
So I would like how to get back on ArchLinux and if it's right that syslinux is more stable and efficient ?!
Thanks in advance
Try reading the related wiki pages (GRUB/GRUB2/Syslinux), pick one and follow the exact install/config procedure on those pages.
Pages: 1