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So, ck-launch-session now doesn't work on a lot of distros; it always generates a nonlocal session.
1. Is there a distro-independent way to make ck-launch-session work again, without destroying its intended functionality (i.e. allowing stuff only for local users)? And without requiring the installation of systemd? Or do I have to settle for editing pkla files to let everyone in group X mount stuff?
2. Is there anywhere I can rail about this and actually be heard? I posted a (polite) complaint about ConsoleKit breakage on the FD.O ConsoleKit mailing list about 6 months ago, and nobody ever responded.
BTW... Now that ConsoleKit is deprecated in favor of systemd, does anyone know what Upstart-based distros are supposed to do?
(I'm not even going to ask about the FreeBSD. The FD.O people clearly consider it unworthy of support, despite having jails and other cool stuff that Linux doesn't.)
is that FUD or you are leaving in the past?
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
Not FUD. Living in the past... maybe. It has been broken for ages on Debian Squeeze, and is still broken on the latest Ubuntu.
Whuh? Working fine here - so your "distro-independent" solution is "tell all distros to do whatever Arch is doing".
That's without systemd, or editing any pkla files, btw.
Not FUD. Living in the past... maybe. It has been broken for ages on Debian Squeeze, and is still broken on the latest Ubuntu.
it works perfectly fine in arch for a long time. Is all about the way you login into your session. You have to do it properly.
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
So, ck-launch-session now doesn't work on a lot of distros; it always generates a nonlocal session.
1. Is there a distro-independent way to make ck-launch-session work again, without destroying its intended functionality (i.e. allowing stuff only for local users)? And without requiring the installation of systemd? Or do I have to settle for editing pkla files to let everyone in group X mount stuff?
2. Is there anywhere I can rail about this and actually be heard? I posted a (polite) complaint about ConsoleKit breakage on the FD.O ConsoleKit mailing list about 6 months ago, and nobody ever responded.
BTW... Now that ConsoleKit is deprecated in favor of systemd, does anyone know what Upstart-based distros are supposed to do?
(I'm not even going to ask about the FreeBSD. The FD.O people clearly consider it unworthy of support, despite having jails and other cool stuff that Linux doesn't.)
To answer your questions:
1. CK works with or without {G,X}DM, and without systemd. You should not have to edit pkla files to mount partitions because udisks works just fine.
2. Complaining doesn't help -- contributing does. There are more important problems with CK that the one you are talking about. CK is not actively maintained atm by RH. However, this doesn't mean that it is deprecated, certainly not in favor of systemd. In fact, Ubuntu folks seem to be interested iin maintaning it. Moreover, only gnome knows how to handle things w/o CK. At least xfce needs CK even in F17beta.
What is the relation between CK and bsd jails? The former is a desktop technology, the latter is a server tool. Besides, why should RH/Canonical care about BSD/Solaris?
Are you just talking or there is a point in your OP?
Last edited by Leonid.I (2012-05-13 20:35:16)
Arch Linux is more than just GNU/Linux -- it's an adventure
pkill -9 systemd
I'm sorry; that was a rant, and you guys are right, this is not the place for rants. In the future I'll refrain from making such posts.
Closed, not going to go much further.
Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.
Pages: 1
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