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EDIT (20031013): new url & version 1.0 is out
Hello all,
I've created a bash-completion script for AL.
Get it from : … ion.script
Then :
pacman -S bash-completion
copy my script as /etc/bash_completion.d/archlinux
source /etc/profile
or log out & back in to enable auto-completion.
Then simply try pacman -S [tab] to check it.
So far it auto-completes the init scripts (try /etc/rc.d/network [tab]...), makepkg & pacman.
Please test it & report any problems or suggestions so that it could get included in the bash-completion pkg.
Im not chassing you, i swear!
Can you post some explination about its use?? what it does exactly (i know what auto-completions is, but, what auto-completes and how?)
Leonardo Andrés Gallego || Comunidad Hispana de Arch Linux
Im not chassing you, i swear!
I begin to feel like a dot in pacman .
Can you post some explination about its use?? what it does exactly (i know what auto-completions is, but, what auto-completes and how?)
Auto-completion is the best thing since fresh bread . You already use it, when you press [tab] or (ie pac[tab]) and it completes the rest of the word (ie pacman). The bash-completion pkg provides some more advanced completion features, like man pac[tab] and it completes it to man pacman, or ssh [tab] and it completes using the hosts included in ~/.ssh/known_hosts.
My script provides these features for ArchLinux. Simply try pacman -S [tab] and enjoy the list of all available packages for installation on your system. Or pacman -Q -l [tab] that completes from packages installed in your system. Then try /etc/rc.d/network [tab], it will list 'restart start stop'
(ps. [tab] == pressing the 'tab' key on your keyboard btw.)
works great for me!! thank you very much for this script.
GNU/Linux: Share & Enjoy!
Simply try pacman -S [tab] and enjoy the list of all available packages for installation on your system
Thats nice...
Thats what i meant by the "how does it works", i wanted to know what i could autocomplete...
Congrats, is a superb pkgs and scripting work. :shock:
Leonardo Andrés Gallego || Comunidad Hispana de Arch Linux