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Pages: 1
lets say i wanna auto complete with .torrent files when i type btdl (tab), i put this in my bashrc file
complete -f -o default -X '!*.+(torrent|TORRENT)' btdl
however i want to do more than this. i want the listed candidates to be sorted by date. So for example when i have 14 torrent files in my current directory, when i enter
btdl (tab)
i want the files displayed by pressing to be displayed in order of date of modification of the file.
can anyone kindly teach me how to do this.
i suspect its just an additional -something option in the above line?
Hmmm.. I wasn't aware bash could do such magic with its completion... must investigate further...
Thanks for bringing this up on the forums.
:: / my web presence
Hmmm.. I wasn't aware bash could do such magic with its completion... must investigate further...
Thanks for bringing this up on the forums.
Yeah it's part of the bash_completion package... I don't know the syntax myself... but there's a million examples in /etc
i couldnt get bash-completion package to work, i'm using the default .bashrc in my user dir for this.
Pages: 1