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I just got the Grub screen of death (GSOD).
And the weird part is I had to use SuSE to save myself.
Apparently I've been praticing unsafe installs, because all of a sudden my display got whacked, and when I rebooted I got:
That's all. So I did my quick re-install of Wombat, and I got the GSOB again. Luckily I still had my SuSE PRO 9.2, and I did a minimum install. It rebooted, found GRUB, and then I put back in the Arch boot disk, and now my system is re-installed.
I was thinking it might have been a boot-block issue?
Has anyone run into this before?
So, I thought it was something crazy that I installed.
The re-install failed again.
I started with the base-install, nothing extra.
Installed new pacman
# pacman -Syu
Installed all updates.
# pacman -Syu
Installed gnomel
# pacman -S mozilla-firefox (because doing pacman -S gnome fails on confilct between it and nss)
# pacman -S gnome
# pacman -S gnome-extra
Added portmap fam dbus hal to /etc/rc.conf
rebooted, and got the GSOD again.
Box is Dell 8400 (which means I always have to compile my own alsa).
So I put the install CD back in and mount up my partitions.
I see no major differences between the Arch that is working and the one that is not in terms of packages and versions.
So, it may be a bad disk.
Aye, check for {} curly bracket error messages relating to your hard drive in dmesg, they tend to indicate a bad drive.
Or any funny sounds...
At least, they're the symptoms my dying hdd had
I get the same thing on a few of my computers....I run Lilo on the ones that had the grub issue and have no additional problems with them at all.. I never did try to track down the grub problem since lilo worked fine. ;-) Though, I'd be curious to find out what it was causing it.
Some of the world's greatest feats were
accomplished by people not smart enough
to know they were impossible.
-- Doug Larson
It seems like going into a time warp to be using LILO, but it works, and you can't argue with that.
I don't know why I bothered with the SuSE thing. Who knows why it worked, or why the GRUB didn't work out on Arch. Especially since I've been using it for over a month with no problem. I might have a corrupt disk, but at least I'm up and running.
I think we have had trouble in the past with GRUB, especially on the console. We have an HP cluster and we use the web ILO for remote reboots and firmware upgrades.
So, thank you for the help, and thank Arch for still using the LILO.
I'm curious as to what the problem with Grub is.. Some of the systems I run Lilo on are new systems with no hardware problems at all. I tried Grub when I first installed on my new Qosmio laptop, and it didn't work for it either; so I stuck with Lilo.
I think I may test grub out on one of the other systems that had the problem initially and see if I can track down what's causing it.
Good Ol' Lilo! ;-)
Some of the world's greatest feats were
accomplished by people not smart enough
to know they were impossible.
-- Doug Larson
Maybe it's based on hardware. What are the brands and hard drive types giving you problems?
Grub is working fine on my HP with IDE, but I'm using Lilo on the Dell with SATA now.
I also **grumble, grumble** have to compile my alsa stuff because of my wise choice of buying a Dell.
What are the significant differnces between Lilo and Grub? Does that 2 or 3 second pause for LILO make a difference? Does GRUB hate SATA drives? I know we had problems installing SLES8 on them.
Well, Grub's working on the server I just finished building.
I'm about to test it on another that only Lilo would work on previously. I typically only use Lilo, since I've used it for so many years. I've Neeeeeeeeeeever Eeeeeeeeeevr had a problem with Lilo. ;-)
I wonder if it has anything to do with putting it in MBR or not?
Some of the world's greatest feats were
accomplished by people not smart enough
to know they were impossible.
-- Doug Larson
Pages: 1