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I found some info that maybe not accurate or could be changed. Not sure, so please no flame!
grub rescue> insmod (hdX,Y)/boot/grub/normal.mod
As the normal.mod is in fact in /boot/grub/i386-pc/, shouldn't it be indeed:
grub rescue> insmod (hdX,Y)/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod
Restore GRUB Legacy
# cp -a /path/to/backup/grub /boot/
In the beginning of the WIKI, it is recommended to keep the GRUB legacy file with this command:
mv /boot/grub /boot/grub-legacy
So I do think the command to copy legacy back to /boot should be indeed:
# cp -af /boot/grub-legacy /boot/grub
I hope my suggestions are correct and this may help.
Last edited by gabx (2012-06-19 08:08:18)
Hi gabx. Why not post those suggestions to the grub2 discussion page on the wiki. The forum is not really the right place for this.
See also two posts down this thread, and in particular this post from tomk.
You are right.
I was not sure how to deal with my suggestions, and where to post. As correctly pointed in your link, I will then edit the Wiki !! And If I am wrong, someone else will correct.
Being not far from a n00b, I am still not sure of my corrections, but let's go.
EDIT: Following previous post, I then modified the WIKI according to what I think is correct.
Thread marked as solved.
Last edited by gabx (2012-06-19 08:07:49)