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#51 2005-09-20 05:58:52

From: Brisbane, Aus
Registered: 2004-12-21
Posts: 658

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

I still use fluxbox. I've used E17 and liked the feel of it but the lack of tools/effort involved in getting and keeping it in a usable state bugged me too much. Once it's more mature, I could use it easily. E16, on the other hand, didn't float my boat at all.


#52 2005-09-20 07:09:26

Forum Fellow
From: UK
Registered: 2004-08-03
Posts: 4,439

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

I have started down the long road to a working fvwm config.  I have been using fluxbox for so long now I rely on various keybindings so that i stop of my list to get sorted smile


#53 2005-09-20 08:48:02

From: Brisbane, Aus
Registered: 2004-12-21
Posts: 658

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

I tried a config a flogged off (sp?) and it looked great. I didn't like the "feel" of it at all though, hard to explain but I know what I mean tongue So for the time being I'm going to stick with fluxbox and continue trying out random window managers as I hear about them.


#54 2005-09-20 08:54:48

Forum Fellow
From: UK
Registered: 2004-08-03
Posts: 4,439

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

I have realized fluxbox does nothing other window managers don't and it generally does them worse.  The devlopement team is pathetic and I'm generally hacked off with their whole ethos, arrogance and, above all, their crap window manager! Grrrrrrrrr!


#55 2005-09-20 12:03:07

Registered: 2005-08-22
Posts: 31

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

I keep trying other WMs, but I still end up sticking with fluxbox.  I guess other than flux, I use KDE in my PCLinuxOS systems.  ;-)


#56 2005-09-20 17:58:18

From: USA
Registered: 2005-02-18
Posts: 1,686

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

Guess I'm too lazy to be bothered with configuring FVWM.  Every time I've installed it, I get about half way through the configuration process, then decide it's simply too much work.



#57 2005-09-20 18:03:15

From: Greenville, NC
Registered: 2004-11-04
Posts: 2,228

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

ozar wrote:

Guess I'm too lazy to be bothered with configuring FVWM.  Every time I've installed it, I get about half way through the configuration process, then decide it's simply too much work.

Same here! I'll be trying out ArchWM base when rasat gets somewhat further along...


#58 2005-09-20 19:49:02

From: Boulder
Registered: 2005-01-22
Posts: 1,190

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

dibblethewrecker wrote:

I have started down the long road to a working fvwm config.

Welcome aboard  8)

Certainly fvwm has a decent learning curve, but I feel that it's akin to Arch's own learning curve. I'm certainly not an expert on either one but I find that the results more than makes up for the extra effort I have to put in.

I am a gated community.


#59 2005-09-20 20:25:40

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

fvwm just rocks. One question though: If some of you guys are 'too lazy'  to make a config yourself, why not give fvwm-crysal (is in aur) a try. It works almost out of the box with a nice config.
But I guess I stay with my own config, i like my bindings too much tongue


#60 2005-09-20 20:32:10

From: Greenville, NC
Registered: 2004-11-04
Posts: 2,228

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

fvwm needs a cleaner config syntax.


#61 2005-09-20 20:36:02

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

it's clear to me tongue but that's after long time of a happy marriage


#62 2005-09-20 21:02:46

Developer/Forum Fellow
From: Montreal, Canada
Registered: 2004-08-20
Posts: 5,212

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

pressh wrote:

fvwm just rocks. One question though: If some of you guys are 'too lazy'  to make a config yourself, why not give fvwm-crysal (is in aur) a try. It works almost out of the box with a nice config.
But I guess I stay with my own config, i like my bindings too much tongue

There's also fvwm-themes-devel in community. I tried them both and didn't like them.   I wanted something to customize everything seperately (like KDE) while these package tends to apply a theme on everything. It seemed to me that modifying them to my liking would take the same amount of time to customize the autogenerated config I had at that time.

I also tried ArchWM.  It hadn't  a lot of features at that time.  I might retry it with the newest version. And the slowliness of the UCB server doesn't help. sad

BTW, I can make my fvwm config available if it interest anyone.


#63 2005-09-20 21:07:19

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

well, you can share a screenshot with us, because we all like screenshots smile I can share my latest also if someone is interested wink

[edit] yes i know, that is supposed to go somewhere else, but still


#64 2005-09-20 21:12:38

Developer/Forum Fellow
From: Montreal, Canada
Registered: 2004-08-20
Posts: 5,212

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

pressh wrote:

well, you can share a screenshot with us, because we all like screenshots smile I can share my latest also if someone is interested wink

Yes, … c&start=60
It's pretty plain. I'm in my eye-candy indigestion period. tongue

EDIT: Maybe we should start a FVWM thread?


#65 2005-09-20 21:42:00

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

I like your torsmo box in the bottom smile What mplayer frontend are you using?i like it too!

Continuation of fvwm topic:


#66 2005-09-20 23:45:59

Developer/Forum Fellow
From: Montreal, Canada
Registered: 2004-08-20
Posts: 5,212

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

pressh wrote:

I like your torsmo box in the bottom smile What mplayer frontend are you using?i like it too!

Continuation of fvwm topic:

Thanks big_smile
BTW, it's not torsmo, it's conky tongue I can post ~/.conkyrc if you want.
It's gmplayer with the Corelian skin available on mplayer web site.


#67 2005-09-21 07:43:44

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

no i think i can do it myself tongue i just never thought of the idea of such a simple conky box wink Mine is always too bloated


#68 2005-09-21 08:00:10

Developer/Forum Fellow
From: Montreal, Canada
Registered: 2004-08-20
Posts: 5,212

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

I think that I got the idea from another user's screenshot too.  I had a large torsmo setup like yours but it was almost always covered by a window. By having only 1-2 line at bottom of screen, you can keep it uncovered without wasting lots of destop space.
Man, this thread covers a lot of topics: fluxbox, ArchWM, FVWM, Waimea, e17 and now screenshot discussions :shock:


#69 2005-09-21 08:31:46

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

Changing my conkyrc at the moment, and running into a bit of a problem. Am I able to create columns inside a conkyrc file, or should I just create several conkyrc files (I had already two) and using different gap sizes to create columns?

[edit] I prefer one file, because I want to include a border around my conky, and this is not possible (at least not that I know) with multiple conky scripts


#70 2005-09-21 16:16:01

Developer/Forum Fellow
From: Montreal, Canada
Registered: 2004-08-20
Posts: 5,212

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

If you want to align entries to make columns, I think you need to uses spaces unless there's a special command.  Or do you want to have a box around each column? If so, I don't think it's possible (at least I couldn't figure out how to do it). Here's what I use, don't know if it will help you.

CPU:${color yellow} $cpu%$color   RAM:${color yellow} $memperc% $color(${color yellow}$mem$color/${color yellow}$memmax$color)   Swap:${color yellow} $swapperc% $color(${color yellow}$swap$color/${color yellow}$swapmax$color)    Temp: ${color yellow}$acpitemp$color °C  $alignr Battery time: ${color red}${battery}$color
Networking:   Up:${color yellow} ${upspeed eth0} k/s  $color(${color yellow}${totalup eth0}$color)   Down:${color yellow} ${downspeed eth0} k/s $color(${color yellow}${totaldown eth0}$color)  ${color light blue}$alignr${time %e %b, %Y  %l:%M %p}

EDIT: There's  alignr and alignc to align text.


#71 2005-09-21 16:35:19

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

Yes, thought of spaces already, but don't think that's the way to go because in that way it is difficult to determine the excact positions for each column. Anyway, thanks for the help. I solved it by using seperate files and for each using a different gap spacing (added a new screenie to the screenshot topic (also my config & conky configs are linked there)


#72 2005-09-21 17:20:42

Developer/Forum Fellow
From: Montreal, Canada
Registered: 2004-08-20
Posts: 5,212

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

I assume that you are running multiple instances of conky, right?
I originally wanted to do something like that, i.e. to have the date/time in it's own box. But it was with torsmo and there was flickering.  I might try it with conky, now.


#73 2005-09-21 17:59:08

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

yes, it are indeed multiple instances of conky. It is easy to do that using fvwm. As a init func load some script, and put in the script

killall torsmo > /dev/null 2>&1

for I in ${HOME}/.conky/*.conkyrc
    conky -c $I &


#74 2005-09-21 20:42:24

Developer/Forum Fellow
From: Montreal, Canada
Registered: 2004-08-20
Posts: 5,212

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

Thanks. Usually I start conky with .xsession.


#75 2005-09-22 07:59:05

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-08-14
Posts: 1,719

Re: I'm starting to think that fluxbox is a bit crap...

Looks like everyone else has quit this topic tongue


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