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#26 2012-07-14 22:49:19

Registered: 2011-08-28
Posts: 33

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

dvdhrm wrote:

Having the same problem here... Don't know how to resolve this gracefully. Anyway, I just did:

mv -i /lib/* /usr/lib

The "-i" is just for being sure nothing is overwritten. Then I did:

/usr/lib/ /bin/rmdir /lib

This uses the /usr/lib linker to run "rmdir" and removing /lib. Then run

/usr/lib/ /usr/bin/pacman -S glibc

This tries updating glibc which will fail with missing /lib. Make sure this _just_ reports _libraries_ in /lib. If it does you can use:

/usr/lib/ /usr/bin/pacman -S --force glibc

However, do not use --force if there are _directory_ conflicts. I actually don't know whether this is the nicest way to do it. It worked on my machine, though. Still looking for a clean solution to this...

Unvortunately that doesn't work here.
When I try the last step

/usr/lib/ /usr/bin/pacman -S glibc

I get the following code:

error: GPGME error: Invalid crypto engine
error: glibc: missing required signature
error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))

So I had to undo everything.

What I don't understand:
What does it mean:

error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
glibc: /lib exists in filesystem

when I try to update glibc with pacman -Su? I mean sure it exists! It's to be removed, isn't it?

Last edited by ichi-no-eda (2012-07-14 23:00:41)


#27 2012-07-14 22:52:48

From: France
Registered: 2010-05-28
Posts: 661

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

krum wrote:

Because Redhat decided to do this way and because redhat leads a lot of core projects, everybody blindly follow RH.

That's why, /bin and /sbin will be soon a symlink to /usr/bin, and systemd is becoming the "de facto" linux init.

It is not a secret that if any other distro has a good idea, we will steal it. Even if it was first suggested by RedHat employees...

If you think we "blindly follow" anyone, why don't you review the discussions about these moves on the various relevant mailing lists. If we are doing anything you think is not to the best for Arch, you are free to join the discussion.


#28 2012-07-14 22:58:12

From: Germany
Registered: 2011-01-22
Posts: 23

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

ichi-no-eda wrote:

dvdhrm wrote:

Having the same problem here... Don't know how to resolve this gracefully. Anyway, I just did:

mv -i /lib/* /usr/lib

The "-i" is just for being sure nothing is overwritten. Then I did:

/usr/lib/ /bin/rmdir /lib

This uses the /usr/lib linker to run "rmdir" and removing /lib. Then run

/usr/lib/ /usr/bin/pacman -S glibc

This tries updating glibc which will fail with missing /lib. Make sure this _just_ reports _libraries_ in /lib. If it does you can use:

/usr/lib/ /usr/bin/pacman -S --force glibc

However, do not use --force if there are _directory_ conflicts. I actually don't know whether this is the nicest way to do it. It worked on my machine, though. Still looking for a clean solution to this...

Unvortunately that doesn't work here.
When I try the last step

/usr/lib/ /usr/bin/pacman -S glibc

I get the following code:

error: GPGME error: Invalid crypto engine
error: glibc: missing required signature
error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))

So I had to undo everything.

Uh, isn't there a switch to turn pacman's signature checking off? Anyway, did you try following "fatboy"'s recommendation? Try removing "ld-lsb" and installing it later again. I actually have no idea what it does (the aur description isn't that useful) so you need to check it yourself.



#29 2012-07-14 23:52:38

From: Sweden
Registered: 2007-08-22
Posts: 715

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

Nice to find this info here. I had Google-earth installed which depend on ld-lsb and that's why the instructions wouldn't work at first. Removed ld-lsb and upgraded glibc, and now everything is fine again. Thanks!


#30 2012-07-15 04:16:58

From: pdx
Registered: 2010-10-08
Posts: 91

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

litemotiv wrote:

*grabs popcorn*

Yeah, I knew it would be a good day to check out the forums. wink
Got the email and everything went quite smoothly, a bit of tidying up (three two year old systems) and removed a couple of old packages that were no longer needed anyway and no probs at all. The instructions and a small amount of reasoning worked as stated, thanks.

"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." ~ Voltaire


#31 2012-07-15 05:22:23

Registered: 2010-11-07
Posts: 265

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

Went pretty smooth here aswell, first I got an error with some multilib glibc files which didn't update, turned out I didn't have the multilib repo enabled, once that was fixed it still claimed there were file conflicts. As per the wiki instructions 'grep '^lib/' /var/lib/pacman/local/*/files' showed me I had some old linux-ck kernel header file package which was causing the conflict, after removing that everything went fine.

As usual good instructions from the Arch devs!


#32 2012-07-15 05:41:29

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2009-08-15
Posts: 4,587

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

Thanks Allan the instructions in the wiki were very helpful.

litemotiv wrote:

*grabs popcorn*

Best comment of the thread.

Last edited by x33a (2012-07-15 05:41:42)


#33 2012-07-15 06:02:44

Forum Fellow
From: Chicago
Registered: 2008-06-09
Posts: 9,183

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

We should make it mandatory for Arch users to subscribe to the arch-announce at the least or better yet arch-announce & arch-dev-public

Forum Rules

There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !


#34 2012-07-15 07:38:41

From: Sweden
Registered: 2010-06-13
Posts: 359

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

pacman should somehow forcefully make one read up on arch-dev-public a bit before any upgrade  tongue

But well, i atleast had a notion in my head about some function of pacman that could make a pre-install message / news-item draft,
when it fetches a package with some particular manual work needed, even if it would only say like:

Packages to update: blabla, blabla glibc: (read [url][/url] before going further, or suffer your own actions)

Last edited by PReP (2012-07-15 07:39:08)

. Main: Intel Core i5 6600k @ 4.4 Ghz, 16 GB DDR4 XMP, Gefore GTX 970 (Gainward Phantom) - Arch Linux 64-Bit
. Server: Intel Core i5 2500k @ 3.9 Ghz, 8 GB DDR2-XMP RAM @ 1600 Mhz, Geforce GTX 570 (Gainward Phantom) - Arch Linux 64-Bit
. Body: Estrogen @ 90%, Testestorone @ 10% (Not scientific just out-of-my-guesstimate-brain)


#35 2012-07-15 07:42:36

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,424

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

PReP wrote:

pacman should somehow forcefully make one read up on arch-dev-public a bit before any upgrade  tongue

My sense is that, once people have b0rked their systems once, they do pay a lot more attention to what is going on -- so, in that respect, pacman does force you to read up before updating. Job done.


Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

Registered Linux User #482438


#36 2012-07-15 07:45:39

From: Germany
Registered: 2011-09-05
Posts: 1,432

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

+1 for PReP. Not sure a "mandatory" mailing list subscription would raise reading rate.

I think in cases like this one should not put the "easiest pacman" solution in a suggestive green note box on the top front page, but that link to the (excellent again, ty!) wiki description of the issues that may happen only.

That would surely leave enough remaining -f..


#37 2012-07-15 08:21:20

From: Brisbane
Registered: 2006-03-24
Posts: 322

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

This is just great. I decide to do an update this morning and after reading the forums I sit down and prepare for a few hours of suffing around with a broken system. And what happens, I follow the said directions and Bingo. Update goes smoothly so I then had to find something else to do today. You got to do better than this if you want to break my arch smile. Nice work

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."


#38 2012-07-15 08:37:56

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2008-08-01
Posts: 5,026

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

PReP wrote:

But well, i atleast had a notion in my head about some function of pacman that could make a pre-install message / news-item draft,
when it fetches a package with some particular manual work needed, even if it would only say like:

Packages to update: blabla, blabla glibc: (read [url][/url] before going further, or suffer your own actions)

I think that would be a really nice idea.

jasonwryan wrote:

My sense is that, once people have b0rked their systems once, they do pay a lot more attention to what is going on -- so, in that respect, pacman does force you to read up before updating. Job done.

Pavlov's dog doesn't agree with your method of learning. wink

ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


#39 2012-07-15 08:55:34

Registered: 2010-10-12
Posts: 636

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

litemotiv wrote:
PReP wrote:

But well, i atleast had a notion in my head about some function of pacman that could make a pre-install message / news-item draft,
when it fetches a package with some particular manual work needed, even if it would only say like:

Packages to update: blabla, blabla glibc: (read [url][/url] before going further, or suffer your own actions)

I think that would be a really nice idea.



#40 2012-07-15 09:33:12

Registered: 2011-06-15
Posts: 538

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

bones wrote:

This is just great. I decide to do an update this morning and after reading the forums I sit down and prepare for a few hours of suffing around with a broken system. And what happens, I follow the said directions and Bingo. Update goes smoothly so I then had to find something else to do today. You got to do better than this if you want to break my arch smile. Nice work

Same here... and I was quite up for a bit of Sunday morning breakage cool


#41 2012-07-15 10:06:27

Registered: 2009-08-25
Posts: 3,605

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

x33a wrote:
litemotiv wrote:

*grabs popcorn*

Best comment of the thread.

Yeah smile

I must say, I honestly did not expect there to be such craziness as we're seeing. Not since pacman was fixed, a detailed wiki page was written, and a thread already existed on the forums. But still, new threads are popping up. So yeah, *grabs popcorn* smile


#42 2012-07-15 10:48:22

Registered: 2010-09-04
Posts: 46

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

I'm having a slight problem of my own making
I installed VirtualBox by script for usb support, and then also updated by script, I have used the uninstall in /opt/Virtualbox to help with this /lib change.

When I do
grep '^lib/' /var/lib/pacman/local/*/files
as per the wiki

It shows that the older version of VirtualBox which is long gone, owns /lib files?

Since I can't uninstall something that's not installed, What do I need to do?

OK figured it out, just installed the virtualbox in the repos, and it removed the non-existant but still remembered by pacman version. Then I uninstalled the repo version of virtualbox

Last edited by pataphysician (2012-07-15 11:05:04)


#43 2012-07-15 15:06:25

From: Pittsburgh
Registered: 2007-05-06
Posts: 1,553

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

Gusar wrote:
x33a wrote:
litemotiv wrote:

*grabs popcorn*

Best comment of the thread.

Yeah smile

I must say, I honestly did not expect there to be such craziness as we're seeing. Not since pacman was fixed, a detailed wiki page was written, and a thread already existed on the forums. But still, new threads are popping up. So yeah, *grabs popcorn* smile


1. Some people don't (or can't) apply any reasoning to this (and yes, at least a small amount is required)
2. Some people don't have any real understanding of their systems by which to do any reasoning (e.g., they don't know what glibc even is, so they don't know to be careful here)
3. Very many people don't read any of the available sources of news or instructions until *after* they break their systems
4. Some people are very impulsive and take some wrong action before thinking it through (e.g., deleting /lib when glibc is still in it)

When you combine multiple of these properties in the same person, it's no wonder things go so wrong (e.g., someone who doesn't know what he's doing, isn't paying attention to news, isn't stopping to think, and must just be plain dumb, will definitely break his system when there is any risk of it)

And on top of those, which I'm sure we've all thought of, there's this element:

5. Some people have really messy systems with all sorts of cruft, missing files, poor-quality AUR packages, symlinked libraries, other ill-advised manual hacks, and who knows what else. It's like a kid's bedroom with dirty laundry in heaps and cockroaches swarming about, and the owner has no idea how it got that way and what's more, doesn't even care. Well, in Arch, you can't admin your systems like that, or they will break on you. (I'm a sysadmin by profession, and I really wish I could inspect job candidates' personal computers as part of the interview process.It would eliminate a lot of later problems, that's for sure. smile )


#44 2012-07-15 15:42:36

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2009-08-15
Posts: 4,587

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

@ ataraxia

We expect arch users to possess some level of alertness, expertise to manage such issues. Especially after there has been extensive coverage of the potential issues by the developers. Unfortunately the user base's technical quotient is getting lower at a rapid pace.


#45 2012-07-15 15:51:31

From: France
Registered: 2010-05-28
Posts: 661

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

x33a wrote:

Unfortunately the user base's technical quotient is getting lower at a rapid pace.

If we do these sorts of purges often enough, the quotient might improve ;-)


#46 2012-07-15 15:59:46

Arch Linux f@h Team Member
From: Outside the matrix.
Registered: 2005-05-15
Posts: 1,112

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

What is think is funny is the number of people who are disappointed that it went so smoothly! That's the Arch spirit. If it ain't broke, where's the fun in that?

Donate to Arch!

Tired? There's a nap for that. --anonymous


#47 2012-07-15 16:06:33

From: Pittsburgh
Registered: 2009-04-25
Posts: 1,172

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

The good things that come with this update:
– Some people discover that Arch isn't for them.
– Some people become motivated to teach themselves more about computers, linux, Arch or even about themselves.
– Some people learn the importance of backups, tested backups.
– I learn which brands of popcorn I prefer.


#48 2012-07-15 17:10:00

Registered: 2009-02-23
Posts: 65

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

thisoldman wrote:

The good things that come with this update:
– Some people discover that Arch isn't for them.
– Some people become motivated to teach themselves more about computers, linux, Arch or even about themselves.
– Some people learn the importance of backups, tested backups.
– I learn which brands of popcorn I prefer.

Some people (me included) learned to wait a couple of days and read announcements *before* applying [core] updates. wink On the other hand, I got the twit only after I got updates, bricked and recovered my system, so you can't say I didn't try to stay informed... roll

Btw, sorry for asking here, but could this update be a cause of KDM login screen rejecting my attempts to log into the system, throwing an alert "The system is booting!"? It takes several second before I can successfully log in. sad Never saw this before.


#49 2012-07-15 17:27:02

From: France
Registered: 2010-05-28
Posts: 661

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

ajaxas wrote:

Btw, sorry for asking here, but could this update be a cause of KDM login screen rejecting my attempts to log into the system, throwing an alert "The system is booting!"? It takes several second before I can successfully log in. sad Never saw this before.

This is likely unrelated. Should have been fixed by … 9a08d08abd which is in the latest initscripts release.


#50 2012-07-15 18:32:18

Registered: 2009-02-23
Posts: 65

Re: News: The /lib directory becomes a symlink

tomegun wrote:

This is likely unrelated. Should have been fixed by … 9a08d08abd which is in the latest initscripts release.

Doesn't seem to be the case: no /run/nologin file present, and I can login as a user, only not immediately.

Anyway, 10x, gotta ask in A&DE.


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