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fortran? what is this?:
FORTRAN is a good example of a language which is easier to parse
using ad hoc techniques.
-- D. GriesFORTRAN is for pipe stress freaks and crystallography weenies.
FORTRAN is not a flower but a weed -- it is hardy, occasionally blooms,
and grows in every computer.
-- A.J. Perlis [What's good about it? Ed.]FORTRAN is the language of Powerful Computers.
-- Steven FeinerIt's multiple choice time...
What is FORTRAN?
a: Between thre and fiv tran.
b: What two computers engage in before they interface.
c: Ridiculous.You can measure a programmer's perspective by noting his attitude on
the continuing viability of FORTRAN.
-- Alan PerlisFORTRAN? The syntactically incorrect statement "DO 10 I = 1.10" will parse and
generate code creating a variable, DO10I, as follows: "DO10I = 1.10" If that
doesn't terrify you, it should.
ok, and now serious:
we need a fortran compiler in archlinux ... at least to be able to compile some scientific apps ... that are often used by students (the people that invented linux )
ok: to be a little bit precise:
what is not in archlinux, and should be is:
f2c (a fortran to C translator)
g77 (GNU F77 compiler ... part of gcc ... no idea how or where to download) is the only link i found with gg
and maybe the intel fortran compiler: … noncom.htm
it's free for noncomertial use
and for the future, what about the f compiler?
i dont have time right now to get into how to install any of them on a linux, to built a package, but it would be great having at least f2c and g77
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
A quick "fix" to get g77 ?!? - try to modify the gcc-PKGBUILD by adjusting the
part - but I forgot how to enable g77 :-) ...
Otherwise, I may be doing a package/PKGBUILD for one or the other - but am quite busy lately (and I need a break, so I browse the forum ;-) ...). i have installed the Intel compiler on several machines several times.
However, this raises an important question about PKGBUILDS and packages. It is possible to make a PKGBUILD for the Intel compiler, but I doubt the license permits distributuing the binary. I know, it's free for non-commercial use, and the user still has to get a license key from Intel, but Intel may still not like redistribution of their package. (who reads these licenses :-) ? ...)
There is different software similar to this where AL and the package builders can only distribute PKGBUILDS and no complete packages. This is not really a problem yet - the AL developers just have to make sure that such software does not get on any CD or ftp archive.
i believe that the g77 source is available from the same ftp url as the gcc. i believe they do have the code for g77 separate.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
I just dug through the gcc site and found the following :
and if one compares to
one does see the big all-in-one package and the individual parts.
It appears that AL requires the full package, so enabling fortran with
(which I found on )
should just get you g77 !
And finally, the latest and greatest details are on
all right, back to work :-) ... and eventually, I will actually DO something about Fortran packages instead of just posting info :-) But while I am at it, I throw more URL's at you ...
FORTRAN? The syntactically incorrect statement "DO 10 I = 1.10" will parse and ....
What's wrong with this perfectly legal declaration of a variable ... :twisted:
Oh, and search this site for the string "Fortran" ...
and then grab this famous piece of software from
thanx a lot for the links ... i didnt know that "Adventure" was written in fortran originally ... funny ... as soon as i find time i will try to recompile gcc with f77 ... now (its 23:15) it's a little bit too late to play around with gcc (the testing can be complicated) ...
... and when it works fine, maybe we can have gcc with f77 enabled as standard in archlinux?
-> what do you think about this idea?
the g95 is interesting, but actually i think it is too early in developement to be used as default fortran compiler
the other gcc-frontends are also interesting
(thanx for the links, again)
"DO 10 I = 1.10" was an example in a fortune!!! it's not me that said that it is incorrect! --- it's logical if you are allready used with fortran, but compared to more primitive languages it is not perfectly correct
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
oh yes, g95 is WAYYY too experimental. I look at this page every few month - but at least this project is still active !
And I did realize that that DO-example came from the fortune and not from you :-) ... and I won't write any more about using (or not using) spaces in Fortran-source ... :-) ....
First, an update on the Intel Compiler PKGBUILDs :
And then another one of the requested packages : F :