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Hi, I've got a problem. I was trying to reinstall archlinux, but found some troubles I don't know how to work out.
I need to install b43 cause I cannot use ethernet, but to install it I need the package from aur b43-firmware and b43-fwcutter. I downloaded the source of the aur pkg in a usb pendrive, then tryed to install it, but it requires linux>3.2. So I downloaded linux from mirror on windows, put it in the pendrive, and tried the upgrade (also, I had to download kmod, which is a dependency). But when I tried to upgrade linux kernel, I found that, for some reason, it would break the installation, cause I didn't upgrade mkinitcpio and all it's dependencies.
My question is: is there a way I can install archlinux without having to download every single package in a pendrive and upgrade it one by one? I also read that the nightly iso doesn't us aif anymore, archboot won't work (every single time it mess up my grub and I don't have time/don't want to waste my time on it; not, it's not regarding the hd0,1 vs hd0,0 problem), I don't want to use archbang (which is, btw, very nice), what am I supposed to do?
There is one daily ISO that has aif in the package list:
Check the package list there, if it suits your needs. Maybe easier than fiddling with the AUR pkgbuild to get it to work with the official ISO.
I am sure you should be able to use the new daily ISOs also, but no experience with it. Maybe someone else can add to that.
Pages: 1