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Enabling the preview option in dolphin, there's a kio_thumnail process that uses 100% in one of the processor cores...
Is anyone having this problem?
By the way, the preview option doesn't work at all...
Last edited by Hyugga (2012-08-08 02:35:39)
Same here.
Excuse my poor English.
Hmm, no such problem here. I opened my pictures folder with Dolphin, a decent amount of files in there. I turned Preview on and off (worked perfectly) and if anything my CPU is even lower than the previous release :S
EDIT: Unless I'm referring to the wrong thing?
Last edited by ElderSnake (2012-08-07 04:46:05)
Arch Linux - Intel E5200 Desktop (MATE GTK3) | Fedora 25 - ASUS Core-i7 Optimus Laptop
Ditto. Memory footprint is slightly reduced and cpu load and temp are down a little too, no spikes doing anything. Using previews, thumbnails, compositing. animations, translucencies, ...all kinds of eye candy. Seems to be running a little better than 4.8.4 overall.
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." ~ Voltaire
Is this issue always reproducable on your machine?
I have the same problem on KDE 4.8.4 (haven't upgraded yet), but it occurs only approximately once per week or even less often, so I didn't think it's much of a problem.
I'm triying to reproduce this, but i can't... Everything works perfect now...