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I'm having problems with my UT2004 crashing on me in some random moment of the game... heres my logfile: And in the console when it crashes it says like SIGILL [illegal operation] or something like that.
Log: Log file open, Fri Aug 26 00:36:53 2005
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Log: Your locale: [ISO-8859-1].
Init: Version: 3186 (127.29)
Init: Compiled: Mar 4 2004 03:07:41
Init: Command line:
Init: (This is Linux patch version 3186.0)
Init: Character set: Unicode
Init: Base directory: /usr/local/games/ut2004/System/
Init: Ini:UT2004.ini UserIni:User.ini
Init: Build label: UT2004 Build UT2004_Build_[2004-03-03_02.42]
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Warning: Missing Class Class Editor.TransBuffer
Log: Initializing OpenGLDrv...
Log: binding
Log: Global MD5: [3986c4774f86cab155ff9f5432b89282]
Log: Game class is 'GameInfo'
Log: Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 23.767322...
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: Browse: NvidiaLogo.ut2?Name=Player?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Jakob?team=255
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 32782->32781; refs: 339619
Log: Game class is 'CinematicGame'
Log: Bringing Level NvidiaLogo.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 25.958006...
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: Created and initialized a new SDL viewport.
Log: ALAudio: Using ALC_EXT_capture to record audio.
ScriptLog: New Player Player id=8f7cd3a7dd6a517753891f3fdbe0ac21
Log: TTS: No output filename specified.
Log: Enter SetRes: 800x600 Fullscreen 1
Log: OpenGL
Log: GL_VENDOR : NVIDIA Corporation
Log: GL_VERSION : 1.5.3 NVIDIA 71.74
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_bgra
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_compression
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_NV_texture_env_combine4
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_multitexture
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_NV_vertex_array_range
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_NV_vertex_array_range2
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
Log: OpenGL: C32 RGB888 Z24 S8
Log: OpenGL: Level of anisotropy is 1.000000 (max 2.000000).
Log: OpenGL: Not using multisample
Log: OpenGL: allocated 32 MByte of AGP memory
Log: Startup time: 27.025723 seconds
Log: Precaching: NvidiaLogo.LevelInfo0
Log: Static mesh batches: 508608 vertex bytes, 110460 index bytes
Log: Allocating 32768 byte dynamic index buffer.
Log: Allocating 65536 byte dynamic vertex buffer.
Log: Finished precaching geometry in 0.080 seconds
Log: Finished precaching textures in 0.288 seconds
Debug: UT2k4MainMenu.Opened() Sender:Package.UT2k4MainMenu
Log: URL: Adding default option Name=Player
Log: URL: Adding default option Class=Engine.Pawn
Log: URL: Adding default option Character=Jakob
Log: URL: Adding default option team=255
Log: Browse: Index.ut2?disconnect?Name=Player?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Jakob?team=255
Log: Failed; returning to Entry
ScriptLog: UT2k4MainMenu NotifyLevelChange PendingConnection:False
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport SDLViewport
ScriptLog: New Player Player id=8f7cd3a7dd6a517753891f3fdbe0ac21
Log: Static mesh batches: 0 vertex bytes, 0 index bytes
Log: Save=0.736915
Log: Moving '../Saves/Save.tmp' to '../Saves/SP_MikeKuenzi.uvx'
Debug: UT2k4MainMenu.Opened() Sender:None
Warning: UT2K4SPTab_Qualification Package.UT2K4SPTab_Qualification (Function GUI2K4.UT2K4SPTab_LadderBase.StartMatch:0086) Accessed None 'Controller'
Log: URL: Adding default option Class=Engine.Pawn
Log: Browse: DM-1on1-Idoma?Name=MikeKuenzi?Character=Romulus?SaveGame=SP_MikeKuenzi?WeaponStay=true?TeamScreen=true?GoalScore=10.00?NumBots=1?Game=xGame.xDeathmatch?Team=1?NoSaveDefPlayer?ResetDefPlayer?TimeLimit=10.00?Class=Engine.Pawn
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: (Karma): Level Karma Terminated.
Log: Garbage: objects: 39406->38770; refs: 454263
Log: Game class is 'xDeathMatch'
Log: Bringing Level DM-1on1-Idoma.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 49.101184...
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
ScriptLog: WeaponStay: True
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport SDLViewport
ScriptLog: New Player MikeKuenzi id=8f7cd3a7dd6a517753891f3fdbe0ac21
Log: Precaching: DM-1on1-Idoma.LevelInfo0
Log: Static mesh batches: 6880680 vertex bytes, 573618 index bytes
Log: Allocating 32768 byte dynamic index buffer.
Log: Allocating 65536 byte dynamic vertex buffer.
Log: Finished precaching geometry in 1.390 seconds
Log: Finished precaching textures in 2.042 seconds
Developer Backtrace:
Log: [ 1] ./ut2004-bin [0x86c915c]
Log: [ 2] [0xffffe420]
Log: [ 3] ./ut2004-bin(UpdateRenderData__6AActor+0x8a) [0x81f5052]
Log: [ 4] ./ut2004-bin(GetActorRenderData__6AActor+0x7d) [0x81f4cb1]
Log: [ 5] ./ut2004-bin(RenderLevel__FP15FLevelSceneNodeP16FRenderInterface+0x476) [0x83a06da]
Log: [ 6] ./ut2004-bin(Render__15FLevelSceneNodeP16FRenderInterface+0x84a) [0x8385f1e]
Log: [ 7] ./ut2004-bin(Render__16FPlayerSceneNodeP16FRenderInterface+0x34b) [0x838a30f]
Log: [ 8] ./ut2004-bin(Draw__11UGameEngineP9UViewportiPUcPi+0x2410) [0x8284090]
Log: [ 9] ./ut2004-bin(Repaint__12USDLViewporti+0x49) [0x8860759]
Log: [10] ./ut2004-bin(Tick__10USDLClient+0xa1) [0x885cfb5]
Log: [11] ./ut2004-bin(Tick__11UGameEnginef+0x2f95) [0x828b57d]
Log: [12] ./ut2004-bin(SDL_SetVideoMode+0x83f) [0x814dac3]
Log: [13] ./ut2004-bin(main+0x69bc) [0x815849c]
Log: [14] /lib/tls/ [0x400e919d]
Log: [15] ./ut2004-bin(getlogin+0xad) [0x814d361]
Log: Unreal Call Stack: FDynamicActor::Update <- AActor::UpdateRenderData <- IterateOverActors <- RenderLevel <- FLevelSceneNode::Render <- FPlayerSceneNode::Render <- UGameEngine::Draw <- USDLViewport::Repaint <- USDLClient::Tick <- ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
Exit: Exiting.
Log: FileManager: Reading 0 GByte 135 MByte 372 KByte 449 Bytes from HD took 29.312557 seconds (1.929220 reading, 27.383337 seeking).
Log: FileManager: 0.000000 seconds spent with misc. duties
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Allocation checking disabled
Uninitialized: Log file closed, Fri Aug 26 00:37:55 2005
i had this problem too. i was able to find a replacement executable that fixed it. don't remember where i got it from, and i don't have the game anymore. have a look on google for ut2004 linux crash or something like that.
Thanks, I'll look for it
Also, the game can lag sometimes, i have an athlon 1.33ghz with 512 ram and a geforce 2... are there any upgrades i can make so it doesnt lag?
You might want to think about getting a new video card. But more likely, it's bottleneck-ing at your hard drive. UT is pretty HD intensive, so you might want to try getting a 7200 RPM HD, or using Reiser 4 or Ext3 + dir_index as your filesystem.
·¬»· i am shadowhand, powered by webfaction
I have this problem and I can't fix it.
However, try the 'kintersect' fix from
As for performance, recompile your libSDL and openAL libraries, and replace the stock ut2004 ones. Generally results in a performance increase.
There's a lot of literature available on the net about this, have a dig around.
As for performance, recompile your libSDL and openAL libraries, and replace the stock ut2004 ones. Generally results in a performance increase.
I did that a long long time ago. Never made a damn bit of difference in the performance, but it made my mic work and sound a bit better. *shrug*
·¬»· i am shadowhand, powered by webfaction
I just can't play it at all these dayse, too many crashes.
I think it may be my vid card' an old Ti4200 *sigh*
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