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Fresh install, got olvwm to work with some command line vodoo.
Have a PKGBUILD or a log of that? I tried it some time ago unsuccessfully.
woomia wrote:Fresh install, got olvwm to work with some command line vodoo.
Have a PKGBUILD or a log of that? I tried it some time ago unsuccessfully.
I cheated. I downloaded the deb from Debian and used dpkg-deb -x to extract the contents (dpkg is in AUR). I then did the same to the necessary xview libraries. I moved olvwm to /usr/bin and the needed libraries to /usr/lib. It was actually pretty easy and it works great.
If you are at all interested I can share the debs I made years ago of some of the desktop tools I used and how to get everything to you see on my screen to work.
chneukirchen wrote:woomia wrote:Fresh install, got olvwm to work with some command line vodoo.
Have a PKGBUILD or a log of that? I tried it some time ago unsuccessfully.
I cheated. I downloaded the deb from Debian and used dpkg-deb -x to extract the contents (dpkg is in AUR). I then did the same to the necessary xview libraries. I moved olvwm to /usr/bin and the needed libraries to /usr/lib. It was actually pretty easy and it works great.
Ok, I guess I can do that myself. Thanks.
I cheated. I downloaded the deb from Debian and used dpkg-deb -x to extract the contents (dpkg is in AUR). I then did the same to the necessary xview libraries. I moved olvwm to /usr/bin and the needed libraries to /usr/lib. It was actually pretty easy and it works great.
You should probably stick stuff like that (i.e. anything not managed by pacman that wouldn't otherwise go in /opt) into /usr/local/{bin,lib}. That's why it's there, after all (and why a lot of programs build targeting there by default for those doing .configure && make && make install etc.)
I just got this computer set up (mostly... still some awesome to play with)
I'm really proud of those rings; They fade as my battery dies.
Hey, what are you using to display the calendar info like that?
arch@thinkpad t61
chneukirchen wrote:I cheated. I downloaded the deb from Debian and used dpkg-deb -x to extract the contents (dpkg is in AUR). I then did the same to the necessary xview libraries. I moved olvwm to /usr/bin and the needed libraries to /usr/lib. It was actually pretty easy and it works great.
You should probably stick stuff like that (i.e. anything not managed by pacman that wouldn't otherwise go in /opt) into /usr/local/{bin,lib}. That's why it's there, after all (and why a lot of programs build targeting there by default for those doing .configure && make && make install etc.)
Good idea!
After hours of playing around with Windows 7, partitioning, mobile broadband networking, installing, and Radeon graphics cards, I've finally got a basic desktop on my new laptop. *huge sense of achievement*
It looks ugly, but I'll configure it properly tomorrow. There's almost nothing installed, except for Openbox, urxvt, and luakit.
Hey, what are you using to display the calendar info like that?
gcalcli from the AUR, and I use execpi in conky. I.e.
{execpi 300 gcalcli --nc --user "foo" --pw "bar" agenda `date +%T` `date --date="next week" +%D`}
AFAIK, you need that nc flag... color input freaks out conky.
You can definitely use a less frequent update schedule (5 minutes for a calendar is... short.)
Also, it may be better not to put your user name and password into a conkyrc.
That's a spiffy color scheme.
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
Screenshot ( Openbox, compton-git) (tilda,tmux,weechat,cclock,mp3blaster,cmatrix,turpail
click on image 3840x1080
Last edited by cirrus (2012-09-21 15:08:34)
Ancestoral Clan
Haven't done this in a while. Not a whole bunch of customization, but I'm tweaking it here and there after a complete reinstall last month.
BTW, this is a pretty sweet site for quickly sharing images.
Screenshot ( Openbox, compton-git) (tilda,tmux,weechat,cclock,mp3blaster,cmatrix,turpail
click on image 3840x1080
what is your openbox theme??
earsplit, that's pretty... I think I'll keep that color scheme in mind when I play with xmonad again.
cirrus wrote:Screenshot ( Openbox, compton-git) (tilda,tmux,weechat,cclock,mp3blaster,cmatrix,turpail
click on image 3840x1080what is your openbox theme??
QDarkStudio4 is my theme its in AUR OMG-Dark is another fave
Last edited by cirrus (2012-09-23 12:49:53)
Ancestoral Clan
Ported gutterslob's Thaw colorscheme into Xmonad. Just installed this on my thinkpad x230. Feels good to be back on Arch. Note the 8-10hr battery life
Very nice indeed...
Xmonad rocks!
i3wm, dogs colour scheme, terminus
How'd you make your Sublime Text 2 look like that?
My light solarized theme.