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#1 2005-09-01 14:12:00

Registered: 2004-02-16
Posts: 635

Problem with I/O speed in self-compiled 2.6.13

I've tried compiling linux 2.6.13 myself, and got a really laggy machine when using I/O or compiling, even though I'm using CFQ as my scheduler. In the Arch stock it works just fine. So I was wondering what might be wrong with my config, and hoped that maybe you can help me with it.

The following is the output I get out of `diff /boot/kconfig26 /boot/kconfig26-personal` (kconfig26-personal is the problematic config file, to make things clear): config.diff.

Also, here are kconfig26 and kconfig-personal.

Can you help me spot the error?

Thanks a lot.


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