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#1 2005-09-05 07:23:07

Registered: 2004-07-10
Posts: 131

Back to Arch after my long stint with Windows

Well I just hadn't been able to run Arch on any of my boxes for a variety of reasons including music production, power management, photgraphy raw software and the like...

But I find myself now using my old ass P2 450mhz with 128mb of ram as my primary web surfing computer.  I just threw on a base install plus XFCE4, samba, gkrellm and a few other small things...

Its just such a good litte websurfer that my friends are amazed that its also pulling fileserving duty.  What can I say... I have sorely missed the feeling you get from a well optimized and configured *nix setup.  Microsoft when I have to and Linux when I want to :-)

I'm thinking of building me an Athlon XP or something like that for a couple hundred bucks to take this ones place... but lordy... I never new how much linux could revive an old machine!

Thanks Arch!


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