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I got the evidence file manager (and other enlightenment stuff) from here:
Server =
I know those are builds from cvs.
I'm not getting any icons, except previews for images, and evidence complains a lot about icons:
0 icon_view.c::icon_view_evt_do: no icon set for "/home/taco/3deNJ05.PDF"/"application/pdf"... your mime.icons has no icon set for the "default" and "unknown" fallbacks.
0 ic_nautilus.c::icon_els_create: cannot thumb-nail, and no fallback icon given.
What does this mean? How can I fix it? Or should I just wait for the next build?
I wish life was as simple as editing config files
is /home/taco you home dir? It is possible the pkg creators home dir has got coded in
yup, /home/taco is my home dir, and Taco is my name.
I wish life was as simple as editing config files
I don't use evidence, but while specifying the theme, you have icons.
$ evidence --theme=nautilus
more themes in : /opt/e17/share/evidence/themes
Server =
I see. I guess I can also set the theme somewhere in the configuration to have a permanent fix
I wish life was as simple as editing config files
I think I found the real problem: in /opt/e17/share/evidence/themes, default probably is the default theme. It is a link to tosh, and when I run evidence --theme=tosh, I get the same problem. So the tosh theme must be broken.
I wish life was as simple as editing config files
I've seen this problem... It occured every time with certain E17 repos, and never with others. Might involve some sort of compile error, methinks... That's the only explanation I can think of.
changing the "default" link is not a good permanent solution. breaks at every update
I wish life was as simple as editing config files
Pages: 1