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Yesterday I installed the Gnome 2.12 from testing, and I can't add certain items to the panel, like the clock, the windows list, the show desktop, the trash and so on, below is the error message after I tried to add the clock for example. The problem is the same for all users, including root.
The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_ClockApplet".
Do you want to delete the applet from your configuration?
Is there someone who is able to use these items ?
Try replacing fam with gamin, somehow gamin exports extra symbols fam doesn't have.
Thanks for your suggestion, rigth now I'm not in front of my computer, but I will try in a couple of hour later. As a matter of fact the pacman suggested this when I updated Gnome but I choosed not to install this. Can you tell me if I have to replace fam with gamin in the Daemons string too? Or I need only to install this?
You can remove fam from the daemons array, as fam works as root user with a main process, while gamin works with a per-user daemon that gets launched when needed by the library.
Hi, I changed fam with gamin, but no change in the panel behavior, there are still a lot of items that can't be added to the panel
If You have further ideas on what can be wrong please let me know.
And thanks for your help!
I fixed the problem by upgrading evolution-data-server (or something similar to that name).
It's something to do with how the clock applet links with the evolution email client.
The dependencies aren't versioned for all packages, but we assume that a user upgrades all, not just one package. The clock applet shows appointments from evolution-data-server on the calender, so it requires evolution-data-server to run.
I had the same problem and this is how I fixed it: I had a look at all the dependencies of gnome-applets and their dependencies (pacman -Qi) and started to sync what hadn't been sync'ed for whatever reason...the packages that got updated where libwnck and gdbm...
So I guess running
$ pacman -Sy libwnck gdbm
should fix the problem
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