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Hello world!
I would like to suggest to replace lesstif by openmotif.
Openmotif is now under LGPL and (unlike lesstif) _alive_.
Furthermore lesstif programs are broken under Gnome3/mutter.
* Run any program using lesstif under Gnome3/mutter (e.g. DDD)
* Click "File"
* Click "Edit"
* Result: "File" menu will not close and "Edit" menu items are displayed at
the wrong place.
* Programs using openmotif having proper menu behaviour
I successfully built and tested the current Arch packages of DDD, xpdf & nedit
by using openmotif 2.3.4 from community (other pkgs were not tested).
Currently the following packages require lesstif:
ddd, fbida, freewrl, grace, nedit, vtk, xlockmore, xpdf
Any chance the switch might happen?
Post a feature request in the bugtracker.
Sorry, I'm not on that mailing list. Can someone hint Sergej Pupykin that at least one user is in favor of this move!
Filing a bug on the bugtracker shouldn't be a problem for me.
Sorry, I'm not on that mailing list. Can someone hint Sergej Pupykin that at least one user is in favor of this move!
init0 wrote:Sorry, I'm not on that mailing list. Can someone hint Sergej Pupykin that at least one user is in favor of this move!
I would be in favour of having 0 implementations of motif. In their own words 20 years too late.
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
na I prefer the official now gpl motif
I would be in favour of having 0 implementations of motif. In their own words 20 years too late.
having these packages not hurt and if any want maintain in community I give all my bits fot it, if a 20 year old continue building w no error in any destop (like openmotif now under gnome3), maintain in in community not hurt, specially for those nostalgics
in resume, here another +1
Well, I suppose that this is somekind of signature, no?