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#1 2012-11-06 21:43:20

Registered: 2012-11-06
Posts: 4

Failed to start gdm -- aka "Oh no! Something went wrong"


i just updated my system with 'pacman -Syu' and rebooted...
unfortunately the system (gdm) is now unable to start successfully and the only thing i get is the "Oh no! ..." error screen.

Im pretty new at arch linux and im struggling with this.

I found some Errors in /var/log/gdm/:0-greeter.log:

gnome-session[518]: WARNING: Unable to determine session: Unable to lookup session information for process '518'

(gnome-settings-daemon:540): power-plugin-WARNING **: no systemd support

(gnome-settings-daemon:540): power-plugin-WARNING **: Unable to start power manager: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.login1: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1

(gnome-settings-daemon:540): media-keys-plugin-WARNING **: Failed to connect to systemd: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.login1: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1

(gnome-settings-daemon:540): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_dbus_proxy_call_internal: assertion `G_IS_DBUS_PROXY (proxy)' failed
    JS ERROR: !!!   Exception was: Gio.IOErrorEnum: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GeneralError: Unable to lookup session information for process '630'
    JS ERROR: !!!     message = '"GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GeneralError: Unable to lookup session information for process '630'"'
    JS ERROR: !!!     fileName = '"/usr/share/gjs-1.0/overrides/Gio.js"'
    JS ERROR: !!!     lineNumber = '95'
    JS ERROR: !!!     stack = '"0 _proxyInvoker("arg_array" = [object Array], "inSignature" = [object Array], "sync" = true, "methodName" = ""GetCurrentSession"")@/usr/share/gjs-1.0/overrides/Gio.js:95
1 anonymous()@/usr/share/gjs-1.0/overrides/Gio.js:121
2 anonymous()@/usr/share/gnome-shell/js/misc/loginManager.js:149
3 wrapper()@/usr/share/gjs-1.0/lang.js:204
4 anonymous()@/usr/share/gnome-shell/js/ui/screenShield.js:421
5 wrapper()@/usr/share/gjs-1.0/lang.js:204
6 anonymous()@/usr/share/gjs-1.0/lang.js:145
7 anonymous()@/usr/share/gjs-1.0/lang.js:239
8 start()@/usr/share/gnome-shell/js/ui/main.js:141
9 <TOP LEVEL>@<main>:1
Window manager warning: Log level 32: Execution of main.js threw exception: Gio.IOErrorEnum: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GeneralError: Unable to lookup session information for process '630'
gnome-session[518]: WARNING: Detected that screensaver has left the bus
    JS ERROR: !!!   Exception was: Gio.IOErrorEnum: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GeneralError: Unable to lookup session information for process '648'
    JS ERROR: !!!     message = '"GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GeneralError: Unable to lookup session information for process '648'"'
    JS ERROR: !!!     fileName = '"/usr/share/gjs-1.0/overrides/Gio.js"'
    JS ERROR: !!!     lineNumber = '95'
    JS ERROR: !!!     stack = '"0 _proxyInvoker("arg_array" = [object Array], "inSignature" = [object Array], "sync" = true, "methodName" = ""GetCurrentSession"")@/usr/share/gjs-1.0/overrides/Gio.js:95
1 anonymous()@/usr/share/gjs-1.0/overrides/Gio.js:121
2 anonymous()@/usr/share/gnome-shell/js/misc/loginManager.js:149
3 wrapper()@/usr/share/gjs-1.0/lang.js:204
4 anonymous()@/usr/share/gnome-shell/js/ui/screenShield.js:421
5 wrapper()@/usr/share/gjs-1.0/lang.js:204
6 anonymous()@/usr/share/gjs-1.0/lang.js:145
7 anonymous()@/usr/share/gjs-1.0/lang.js:239
8 start()@/usr/share/gnome-shell/js/ui/main.js:141
9 <TOP LEVEL>@<main>:1
Window manager warning: Log level 32: Execution of main.js threw exception: Gio.IOErrorEnum: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GeneralError: Unable to lookup session information for process '648'
gnome-session[518]: WARNING: Detected that screensaver has left the bus
gnome-session[518]: WARNING: App 'gnome-shell.desktop' respawning too quickly
gnome-session[518]: WARNING: Unable to determine session: Unable to lookup session information for process '518'
gnome-session[518]: WARNING: Unable to determine session: Unable to lookup session information for process '518'

(gnome-settings-daemon:540): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance

(gnome-settings-daemon:540): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched: assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed

(gnome-settings-daemon:540): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_ptr_array_unref: assertion `array' failed
gnome-session[518]: CRITICAL: gsm_manager_set_phase: assertion `GSM_IS_MANAGER (manager)' failed
gnome-session[518]: Gtk-CRITICAL: gtk_main_quit: assertion `main_loops != NULL' failed

It looks like anything has gone wrong with dbus!?

dbus is in the DAEMONS-Array, also when i 'ps -aux | grep dbus' there are some processes of 'dbus-daemon' running.

So, can u help me maybe? -.-

Sorry for the bad english btw D:


#2 2012-11-07 09:09:21

Registered: 2012-07-30
Posts: 6

Re: Failed to start gdm -- aka "Oh no! Something went wrong"

Same here, just rebooted my computer after updating and I get this screen, and the same error messages.


#3 2012-11-07 09:57:45

From: Germany
Registered: 2011-08-02
Posts: 27

Re: Failed to start gdm -- aka "Oh no! Something went wrong"


I had same problem here, till I rememberd, that I had installed the "gnome-fix" from AUR, because the Media Keys and FN Keys didn't worked any more. Re-Installing the orginial package helped out...

alternativly try

pacman -S gnome gnome-extra

to reinstall gnome completly new.

Learn the facts, and the origins behind the facts, and make up your own damn mind. That's why you have one.


#4 2012-11-07 13:19:00

Registered: 2012-11-06
Posts: 4

Re: Failed to start gdm -- aka "Oh no! Something went wrong"

hi guys,

i got it: … by-logind/

my system worked in a initscripts/systemd mix. i already configured the DAEMONS...etc. in the "new systemd style", so i just had to start systemd instead of the initscripts daemon:

init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd as kernel parameter


additionally i had to set the new default runlevel/window manager for systemd with:

systemctl enable gdm

all components work again now.


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