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I tried googling for a solution for this, and apparently someone else has had similiar experiences before - but unfortunately the link to the topic doesn't work anymore and it's not in the Google cache. So here goes:
I was installing monodevelop, but unfortunately my root partition was full, so the install failed. So I cleared /var/cache/pacman/pkg, and tried to install again. But now I first get my screen filled many many times with
error: /var/lib/pacman/local/-/desc: No such file or directory
and then
error: mozilla-firefox conflicts with nss-nspr
Hmm? There were a few packages to be installed with monodevelop, but mozilla-firefox wasn't certainly one of them. So I try "pacman -Syu" - it works, albeit giving the error message above (only once though). Then I decide to try to install another package, so "pacman -S mono-tools". Again, the error message above is repeated n+1 times, but then I'm presented with a whopping 200MB of packages to install, all of which (except mono-tools) already exist in my system.
I figure my pacman db is corrupt in some way, but would anyone have any pointers on how to proceed to fix it?
Never mind, I just had to delete the directory /var/lib/pacman/local/-. It's working now.