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hello all, did a fresh install and after pacman -Syu I'm having these error messages:
checking for file conflicts....
error: the following files conflict were found:
grub: /usr/share/grub: exists in filesystem
error occured, no packages were upgraded
it's the first time I see this message after an Arch install and wondering if it's important.
I removed the actual /usr/shared/grub folder and re-run pacman and i've been able to upgrade, but still have another error about ""
sh: error while loading shared librairies: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory
I don't know what to do about that one..
Any sugestion
thank you
hello, i just had the same problem
here is what i did.
i did a pacman -R grub
then i did my update
(pacman -Syu)
then after everything installed,
i did a pacman -S grub and now i think i am ok.
i have not rebooted yet
oh, i almost forgot,
when you reinstall grub, it overwrites
so you will have to edit it
You can add NoUpgrade = boot/grub/menu.lst to your pacman.conf and you won't have to worry about pacman overwriting your menu.lst file again.
rm -r /usr/share/grub
pacman -Syu
L. M. Laurijssen
-- Simplicity is the highest level of complexity.
how/why does this behaviour occur at all? Is it a bug?
I won't have my grub replaced automatically - it boots my machine! I don't know if it is a bug, I'ld name it a feature.
Frumpus ♥ addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]
I won't have my grub replaced automatically - it boots my machine! I don't know if it is a bug, I'ld name it a feature.
Isn't that the reason why they implemented things like "IgnorePkg" and "HoldPkg? Hey, if "grub" and "kernel" and [others] were listed in the IgnorePkg-List by default, *then* you might call it a feature. As it is right now, pacman simply aborts for reasons which are beyond my (admittedly very limited) understanding. I'm just asking *why* it aborts. Is that reasonable? How could one forsee this?
Talking about "booting your machine": if one simply follows the instructions as mentioned above (rm -r /usr/share/grub respectively: pacman -R grub) you might still end up with a machine that does not boot, as pacman does not tell you that you'll have to re-invoke grub(8).
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