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Hey guys,
I've been looking around the internet to see how to do this. I've tried a few things but so far no success. So i feel that before you guys can help me I should let you in on how i have my setup so far. I'm purely using compiz as my stand alone window manager (along with emerald as the decorator) and I wanted to use nautilus as my file manager, and within the dconf-editor i made it where i can use nautilus to manage my files on my desktop. but now my problem is that the font on the files on my desktop are black and blend in pretty well with my background. I believe i found a setting in the dconf-editor that will allow me to change the font color. but i don't know the syntax to do so. Does anyone have any ideas? Here is a screenshot of the option i'm talking about.
Have you tried a common name or web name (blue, red, #FFFFFF or #000000) ?
But I think that's where you specify the font name (as in Arial, Georgia, Helvetica, etc), not the colour.
Last edited by DSpider (2012-12-05 15:13:42)
I have made a personal commitment not to reply in topics that start with a lowercase letter. Proper grammar and punctuation is a sign of respect, and if you do not show any, you will NOT receive any help (at least not from me).
Yeah i've tried the HTML colors. none of those worked .
I think there is more you can do besides just setting the name, because i was able to change the font style (Bold Italic ect.) using that same line that i highlighted. So I naturally assumed you can change the color. But it could be just that its the font style and name. Anyone else have any ideas?
And thanks for the quick reply!!
and using the rgb stile Rcolor/Gcolor/Bcolor ???
or rgbax ??
Last edited by Jristz (2012-12-05 18:29:55)
Well, I suppose that this is somekind of signature, no?
I just tried that but i'm not sure also how I would let it know that i'm talking about color i've tried "color="255,255,255"" and that didn't work. I know it couldn't be just the rgb inputs because you can set multiple parameters such as the style and font name at the same time through a separation with a comma.
For example i can input
"dejavu, bold, italic"
but now how would i let it know that i want to change color? any ideas?
Thanks for all the suggestions btw!
Pages: 1