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The title pretty much says it... this is the fourth time I'm installing Arch on a machine and it has never happened before. I run wifi-menu etc... when in the livecd and it works. But after chrooting, I try it and it gives me an error. What could be the problem? (Wireless card doesn't need firmware)
"Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Douglas Adams, Life, the universe and everything
Happened to me also.Answer for me was "#dhcpcd" and network is up.
Thanks, but where does this #dhcpcd go? Is it in the network.d config file?
Ok, got it figured out. Thanks a lot!
Last edited by ijiboom (2012-12-09 13:46:19)
"Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Douglas Adams, Life, the universe and everything