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I just released CodeSlayer 2.1. It is an editor written in C using GTK+.
CodeSlayer was created because I have had something very specific in mind for what I wanted to develop code in. I think other editors have had great ideas, but nothing was exactly what I wanted. It is also what I would consider a projects based editor, meaning the side pane contains the top level folders that exist in a logical group. This notion is tightly baked into the application.
The plugin system is another thing that really shines. From the start my goal has been to make the plugin system something where it was easy to create a useful plugin with very little effort. To accomplish that I made the hooks into the core system drop dead easy.
I have been working on CodeSlayer for a couple years now and I think it is at a place where other developers might enjoy using it as much as I do. It has a super clean interface and has a really nice feel to it. It has been highly usable for a long time and is at a place where it just needs more high quality plugins to make it really special.
It is available in the AUR at
You can find out more about the project at At the site you will also find some really nice plugins to download.
-Jeff Johnston
Pages: 1