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PKGBUILD kernel2.6.12.2 ...custom pkgrel 1..w/downloaded patches.
makepkg PKGBUILD (with config changes in config for -custom)...
Fails with abort message: drivers/usb/media/stv680.o...:internal compiler error Segmentation fault.
Tried twice.
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Sounds like one (or more) of your patches are bad... try removing one at a time and recompiling....
Perhaps I use the word "patch" incorrectly.
I referred to downloaded patches which came with the ABS download and are shown below; bel--------------------------------------------------------------------------
I assume I can use or not use these patches; and if they are required, PKGBUILD will handle the entry.
Is this incorrect?
If I must use them, and I have never done patches before, I don't understand how they are handled by PKGBUILD , even after reading the wiki. Coding is not described in detail.
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Ok, well what have you changed in this PKGBUILD? Is it just configuration? If so, what configuration options have you added?
All the error means is that there's something that won't compile - usually this is cause by a patch.
Considering that it is "drivers/usb/media/stv680" that fails to compile, maybe you could disable that specific driver and try again?
Config changes are:
Perhaps the deletion of that offending driver may do the job.
I will try that but it takes a lot of time to re-run.
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Modified PKGBUILD to eliminate patches and commented out md5.
Removd the/usb/media/stv680 module.
Modified config to produce LOCAL VERSION="-custom"
Ran makpkg PKGBUILD and ended with kernel26.
Opened Directory /.var /abs/local and examined/pkg/boot.
Found ID for -custom...
Found Kconfig26 ... no ID for -custom
Found ...System ID for -custom
Opened ...folder /usr/src
Opened ../pkg/lib/modules
Decided to rename the elements and link to /boot directory. Renamed to:vmlinuz2612-custom...SystemMap2612-custom...kconfig2612-custom
Changed lilo.conf to reflect the 2612-custom elements.
Ran /sbin/lilo successfully.
Rebooted into 2612-custom at boot prompt.
Received errors regarding modules not loading and was unable to reach desktop. At log-in, could not complete the entry of root and timed out very quickly. This log-in is a terminal type log-in not the arch window type.
I don't think I have the modules loading because a link is missing or the ID is not recognized in the kernel.
I do not know why the LOCAL VERSION="-custom" did not generate the required vmlinuz , System Map and Kconfig ID's.
Perhaps the module problem can be solved?
EDIT: For horrors!!! I just realized I forgot to load the kernel...too many problems to monitor......Disregard this post, please!
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Performed the ABS PKGBUILD procedure again using the downloaded ABS PKGBUILD and config files to prepare the build.
Noted that the PKGBUILD file has an additional entry called ....base kernel=2.6.12. I entered 2 in the pkgrel.
I commented out all MD5 entries and deleted four patches (the last four listed). I entered..... make xconfig.
In the config file I changed local version to LOCAL VERSION="-custom".
I changed one line in the remainder of the file..CONFIG_CRAMFS=y
I was able to complete PKGBUILD makepkg but ended with Kernel26 as the pkg. Again it was not customized with an ID similar to the ID I had in this OS boot which is kernel2610-custom-2.6.10-4.pkg.tar.gz.
The PKGBUILD is authored by Judd and differs considerably from the PKGBUILD described in the wiki and authored by DTW.
The wiki delineates the custom kernel as being unique in LOCAL VERSION and in this regard the 2610-custom kernel is unique. The kernel compiled with PKGBUILD for is not unique as it is named Kernel26- and it remains in /var/abs/local directory until the problem is resolved.
What causes the lack of proper -custom ID for the kernel?
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Retried the PKGBUILD but with the DTW verbose version replacing the Judd PKGBUILD.
The first attempt ended with a SEG FAULT.
Retried again and the makepkg completed and generated kernel26122-custom-
I ran ...pacman -U kernel26122-custom- and the appropriate -custom elements were loaded into /pkg/boot directory and appeared in operating system /boot directory.
Entered /etc and edited lilo.conf to reflect new boot params.
Ran /sbin/lilo -v and received go response.
Rebooted into the new 26122-custom sequence which display blanked during the install sequence (restore with enter button) and ended with vc 1 log-in. Attempt to log-in produced a repeating keystroke and log-in was impossible.
Ctl-alt-del returned the system to reboot status.
Now that the custom kernel is installed, it doesn't work correctly.
The same display and keyboard action occured when I previously performed pacman -Syu.
Cannot upgrade to kernel2.6.12.2 in any way , shape or form.
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Another issue...the arch CD 0.7 does not accept at boot prompt:
vmlinuz2610-custom root=/dev/discs/disc0/part3
or vmlinuz26122-custom root=/dev/discs/disc0/part3
Message is ...cannot find the vmlinuz for either vmlinuz references.
Cannot boot into repair of non-performing kermels.
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
it wouldn't you can only boot from the cd what kernels are on the cd...
The observation is correct. vmlinuz code allows the boot of the CD's kernel. The fact that such code is useable is not covered in the details provided in the archCD.
As reported in previous posts attempting to use vmlinuz, there is no internet access after the boot to arch log-in. All attempts to start the internet fail because the modules have not been loaded (numerous displays of errors during boot-up).
At any rate, the custom kernel generated through ABS after many trials does not produce a boot-up to desktop but just to log-in on vc1 which is unuseable because the keyboard cannot enter single keystrokes..repeats . This action occurred after...pacman -Syu as well when trying to upgrade to kernel
Code is king in performing the upgrades or making changes.
When using ABS to generate a custom kernel in LOCAL VERSION="-custom", it seems that the pkgrel number is important code..."unique" is the word used in the wiki. Any number greater than the latest pkgrel number would be "unique". I suspect that the number to be entered "has to be one greater than the latest pkgrel" and is not a "unique" number.
The custom kernel has the correct config change as desired included in the kernel loaded.
I am not able to utilize kernel2.6.12.2 after many fruitless hours in changing one config line in the kernel config.
I am unable to download via pacman -Syu and get a useable kernel. The keyboard malfunctions.
I have no other ideas for the upgrade. Custom kernel gave the same result thru ABS.
Frustration rules!
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
How is it that I was able to create a custom kernel 2610-custom that operates correctly but doing the same ABS custom build for kernel2.6.12.2 produces an unuseable -custom kernel?
Confusion reigns supreme!! The latest news says medicare has 46 prescription plans to select from!!!! Most medicare recipients can't remember whether they took their pills much less how to decide among 46 plans!!!!!
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Received information via fly-spray from Judd re: arch 0.7CD.
The kernel installed via archCD0.7 is incompatible with upgrade to kernel2.6.12.2 because of Udev changes.
The arch CD0.7 has been upgraded to 0.7-1 to fix that problem.
In examining my situation, I find it to be necessary for me to re-install arch via the new release of the arch 0.7-1 in order that any ...any...any..-Syu.. will permit an upgrade to any latest kernel. That is, unless there is another procedure to modify the present system to permit upgrades into Udev kernels ( all are now Udev).
A word to the wise!
One can theorize as to what would happen on earth if gravity reversed. To argue this theory in court, whether science or otherwise, seems non-adjudicative at best.....its not a law, only an idea...maybe we need to suppress ideas? That is science?
Asking may get you knowwhere!! It did in this case!!!
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!