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#1 2005-10-01 14:19:48

From: Sussex, UK
Registered: 2004-05-27
Posts: 331

Out dated packages

i noticed a thread where someone had an issue with an outdated package.

As far as I am aware this applies to all distros, in that at some point the packages lag behind the latest available.

There can be a number of reasons for this which are ligitimate, like concerns over the stability of the new package, compatability with the rest of the system etc.

There can also be other reasons, which here are ligitimate, like the maintainer, who is not getting paid has other things to do.

When I come accross a package I want updated, I either look in testing or edit the PKGBUILD script my self. I built the monopd server with dependencies this way.

Or, if it has never been on Arch I do it from scratch my self and share.

As far as I can see that is the way most of us here work.

Anyway, if you can't see what you want, why not try rolling your own :?:

You would be amazed at how easy it frequently is and how empowering it is as well.

I have to say Arch is soooooooo easy to build packages for. big_smile

Kind regards

Benedict White


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