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apologies if this has been already answered, can't seem to find it.
Just did a fresh install after 2 years on arch.
When I reboot i get just the lo interface on ifconfig.
ip link show does list the wired & wifi interfaces
and I can do
ip link set wlp3s0 up
which will then list the wifi under ifconfig
Is there a way to get this set so I don't need to type ip link set after every reboot ?
Last edited by markbrazil (2013-01-20 08:04:42)
"open source is about choice"
Open source is about opening the source code complying with this conditions, period. The ability to choose among several packages is just a nice side effect.
thank you, that worked.
should have thought of that, i had used wifi-menu for install and after first boot "wifi-menu wlp3s0" wouldn't start.