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Do any of the Python or Ruby fans (yeah, I know that includes pretty much all of us) here use eric3 as their IDE?
I'm thinking of trying it. I don't like IDEs generally because they're always so language specific. They say they're language independent, but there's always one language they support better than others.
Currently, I use JEdit. Its wonderful for generic Java, XHTML, and Python programming, with the occasional bash script or PKGBUILD thrown in for good measure. Its really really good for a Java developer. But I'm getting near the point where I'm not a Java developer anymore.
So what I'd ilke to see is an editor that will allow me to edit Python code with ease, allow me to customize the editor using python itself (ie: macros, plugins, scripts?), but will also allow me to edit HTML files (frequently) and Java files (every once in a while). Is eric3 a good choice, or is it python/ruby only?
Mr Green I like Landuke!
I was under the impression that scite wasn't very extensible.
I use the PyDev plugin for Eclipse when doing anything more than one or two source files. Other than that, I usually just fire up GEdit.
I wasn't really looking for a comparison... In the end I tried Eric and Scite and neither has the flexible keybindings that I desire. Perhaps lazy-edit... At least then I know the dev and I know I can hack it. Except for said dev's love of spaces over tabs. Flame on!
I started using vim about 4 years, ago, no fear. I don't like it or emacs either. Its a great editor, but the scripting syntax is kind of irritating.
I gave up on my search. Time to start almost from scratch: … 00002.html
Xerxes2's lazy-edit has been rechristianed and is about to be hacked into a super-modular editor....
wish I had more time for this project. :-/
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