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I'm coming from Fedora, and I was used to do things like that :
su -
gvim (or any command with a GUI)
Now, on my newly installed arch I cannot do it anymore, when I do it I get this error :
E233: cannot open display
If I do :
then it works.
From what I understand by doing "su -" I log as root, without all the settings from my user environment.
Conclusion, I should just add the correct settings. Unfortunately it's not very straight forward...
The basic thing is to do :
export DISPLAY=:0.0
But I have to do it each time I log.
I tried to put it into .bashrc, but it's not working.
I tried to look at .Xauthority, linking it from my user account etc... but that was very confusing...
I tried to look on a Fedora system what as the difference, but nothing obvious there...
I found this page that explain quite well what I should do : … ps_as_root
and more precisely :
" Permanently allow root access
Globally in /etc/profile
Add the following to /etc/profile
export XAUTHORITY=/home/non-root-usersname/.Xauthority
This will permanently allow root to connect to a non-root user's X server. "
But, I lost my .Xauthority into my user account :
I tried to link it to $XAUTHORITY (some experiment to solve my mprobleme...) but $XAUTHORITY is changing at every boot...
Last edited by olivarch (2013-02-02 12:28:22)
Pages: 1