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#1 2013-02-07 09:48:14

From: Riga, Latvia
Registered: 2011-10-16
Posts: 81

Patching font "Andale Mono", ultimate challenge

So there's a great font called "Andale Mono" and I really, really want to use it in my terminal! I installed it and added conf to `.Xresources` file; it works! The problem is that I'm using Vim Powerline and Zsh theme that uses unicode symbols that are not supported for that font. The fix would be to patch the font, but I'm having troubles with doing that. I used the Fontpatcher, moved the patched font to `~/.fonts` and purged the font cache. Still, unicode symbols are shown as "[]".

This is how it looks at the moment. You can see that bottom bar of Vim and right after `dagrevis@localhost` those "[]" symbols. Here is how I patched it. Then I moved it to `.fonts` dir and purged the font cache.

Here is a line from my `.Xresources` that sets the font:

URxvt.font: xft:Andale Mono-Powerline:size=9

If it's not possible to fix the font, can I maybe set fallback for those symbols to another font that looks close to Andale Mono?



#2 2013-02-07 15:52:53

Registered: 2011-05-12
Posts: 22

Re: Patching font "Andale Mono", ultimate challenge

Simple thought, but have you tried logging out and logging back in since patching? That's what I had to do when I patched envy code r.


#3 2013-02-08 08:25:18

From: Riga, Latvia
Registered: 2011-10-16
Posts: 81

Re: Patching font "Andale Mono", ultimate challenge

Tried it — didn't help. I have ran `xrdb .Xresources` and `fc-cache -vf`.

I think that the problem could be how I have specified the name of that font. Or patching.


#4 2013-02-11 20:34:48

Registered: 2011-05-12
Posts: 22

Re: Patching font "Andale Mono", ultimate challenge

Again, not sure if this will help but maybe your can try

URxvt.font: xft:Andale Mono for Powerline:size=9

and if that doesn't work, try finding what the font is actually called with

fc-list|grep -i powerline

When I said logout, I actually meant reboot (my mistake), when i ran xrdb -merge .Xdefaults;fc-cache -vf; sudo fc-cache -vf; it still didn't fix the problem for me until I rebooted which somehow made it magically work.


#5 2013-02-12 08:32:59

From: Riga, Latvia
Registered: 2011-10-16
Posts: 81

Re: Patching font "Andale Mono", ultimate challenge

Thanks! That did the trick.

*.font: xft:Andale Mono for Powerline:size=9
*.imFont: xft:Andale Mono for Powerline:size=9
*.boldFont: xft:Andale Mono for Powerline:bold:size=9
*.italicFont: xft:Andale Mono for Powerline:italic:size=9
*.boldItalicFont: xft:Andale Mono for Powerline:bold:italic:size=9

Still, no need for reboot. Run `xrdb ~/.Xresources` and close/re-open the terminal.


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