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#1 2013-02-18 15:43:09

Registered: 2012-02-01
Posts: 28

[SOLVED] lirc_wpc8769l (Acer Aspire 6530G/5920G) not working properly?

Hey everyone,

back in the days when I was using Ubuntu I could use my remote control just fine. I'm on Arch since 1.5 years and it came back to my mind that I actually have a remote control for my laptop (Acer Aspire 5920G). :-)

The proper modules are loaded. And I can see a device in /dev/lirc0.

$ lsmod | grep lirc
lirc_wpc8769l           6119  0 
lirc_dev               11472  1 lirc_wpc8769l

I can also see pulses and spaces with:

# mode2 -d /dev/lirc0
space 50
pulse 2700
space 850
pulse 450

xmode2 doesn't work because of FS#30912.

Unfortunately when I fire up lirc I can't see any key-presses in irw.

# cp /usr/share/lirc/remotes/acer/lircd.conf.Aspire_6530G /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
# lircd -n -d /dev/lirc0

Also generating a new lircd.conf errors out before I'm able to set the button names.

# irrecord -d /dev/lirc0 /tmp/lircd.conf.Aspire_5920G
irrecord: could not find gap.
irrecord: gap not found, can't continue

I also tried to irrecord other remote controls, but I always get the same error. So I think there is something wrong with the module. There were no upstream updates of lirc in quite a while and there are quite some patches in the lirc ABS.

Has someone else experienced this or is there something I can do to debug it?
Thanks in advance!

Edit: I just tried to Wake-on-CIR from S5, works like a charm. So the hardware is ok I guess.

Last edited by olebowle (2014-08-05 12:45:14)


#2 2014-08-05 12:43:09

Registered: 2012-02-01
Posts: 28

Re: [SOLVED] lirc_wpc8769l (Acer Aspire 6530G/5920G) not working properly?

All issues resolved with lirc-1:0.9.1-1! smile


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