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Hi guys,
i changed de from cinnamon to xfce and reinstalled my catalyst drivers, edited the entry also for lxdm (for the autologin) and now after a reboot i have a black X instead of cursor of mouse and i can't move the windows.
I have everything like hw acceleration and everything works fine except this.
Can i do something to fix this?
Thanks, Gabriele.
Last edited by Lilith (2013-03-02 16:42:51)
Sky is the limit.
It sounds like openbox (WM) is not starting. Post the startup files (not sure if this would be ~/.xsession ~/.xinitrc, both, or something else). Also check for error messages from X. You could also try starting without LXDM temporarily, just to get everything up and running.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
first of all thanks for the help
So, my ~/.xsession is blank.
Instead the ~/.xinitrc have this inside:
exec startxfce4
Sky is the limit.
try adding
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
to your xinitrc
unfortunally doesn't work
Thanks anyway
Last edited by Lilith (2013-03-01 16:17:25)
Sky is the limit.
Based on the content of your .xinitrc, I'd say it seems like your .xinitrc file doesn't get read at all. You might try putting the xsetroot command in your .xsession (might work, don't know, haven't checked). If that doesn't work out either, please tell us how you start X after booting.
If I understand your first post correctly, you use LXDM? If so, you might want to go through the wiki page and post the values of the configuration it lists. The answer might be obvious to you as you do that, or someone else when they read it. I don't use it myself, but some people here will.
" cannot be angry when one looks at a penguin." - John Ruskin
"Life in general is a bit shit, and so too is the internet. And that's all there is." - scepticisle
first of all thanks for the helpSo, my ~/.xsession is blank.
Instead the ~/.xinitrc have this inside:exec startxfce4
If you're running LXDE, as you stated in your first post, then "exec startxfce4" isn't going to do anything for you, since it's for starting XFCE.
The suggestions for xsetroot would be good if you were stuck with the default cursor in a window manager that doesn't set the cursor (many minimal tilers don't). But both of the windowmanagers indicated in this thread do set the mouse cursor - so it would seem, as I indicated above, that the window manager isn't starting.
This also explains why you can't move windows: moving windows is a window manager function.
But which window manager are you trying to use? Your first post suggested this was LXDE which uses openbox, but your second post shows xfce (xfwm) in your xinitrc.
To help narrow the potential issues, I'll reiterate my suggestion of starting x manually from a tty, and only when that is working properly add the display manager back in.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Hi guys,
i read my first post and i wrong.. i have changed from cinnamon to xfce and i use lxdm as a login manager.
So now i'm trying to use XFCE as a desktop environment.
Sky is the limit.
Hi guys,
i fixed it. I think is not a problem of lxdm but only of xfce.. According to the wiki page of xfce: … on_failure
I did:
rm -r ~/.cache/sessions/
rebooted and now works perfectly
Thanks to all,
Sky is the limit.
Pages: 1