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I'm aware this seems like a petty question but I figured that I'd give it a try anyway. I had set an icon file for urxvt because I don't like the default one and haven't had any problems with it at all up until now. I recently updated Arch after quite a long time and now noticed that my icon isn't taking anymore. Here's my ~/.Xresources, even though I haven't changed it at all and it used to work before.
URxvt.depth: 32
URxvt.background: rgba:0000/0000/0000/dddd
URxvt*foreground: #99CCCC
URxvt.scrollBar: false
URxvt.iconFile: /home/user/.config/archlinuxiconcrystal128.png
xterm*borderWidth: 0
xterm*background: #000000
xterm*foreground: #0ABFFF
Let me remind you again that this exact configuration used to work for me.
Last edited by xworld (2013-06-05 00:38:14)
First, the silly question: Can you see the icon image if you open it exactly how it's written on the "iconFile" line?
Next, the not so silly question: Is your ".Xresources" file really getting loaded? ".Xresources" is a funny file. Does it work if you rename it to ".Xdefaults" (at least temporarily)?
For what it's worth, my ".Xdefaults" file:
URxvt*iconFile: /home/drcouzelis/Library/Icons/terminal.png
URxvt*scrollBar: false
URxvt*termName: screen-256color
URxvt*saveLines: 10000
URxvt*cursorBlink: true
URxvt*pointerBlank: true
URxvt*pointerBlankDelay: 987654321
URxvt*font: xft:Terminus:size=12
URxvt*perl-ext-common: default,fullscreen
URxvt*keysym.F11: perl:fullscreen:switch
Sorry, I'm a little tired. So I'm not exactly sure what you mean by the first question. I tried renaming the file the ~/.Xdefaults to no avail. I also did xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources as well as xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults after changing the name. And yes I also made sure that the icon file is in the directory I pointed to in the config file.... is that what you where asking with the first question?
.Xresources simply needs to be loaded by xrdb, while .Xdefaults is apparently loaded automagically. But from what I understand, .Xdefaults is the old file that has been deprecated in favor of the .Xresources way.
I made sure to run an xrdb -merge a few times. I even rebooted afterwards just for the hell of it.
How about trying with "xrdb ~/.Xresources" (implies "xrdb -load") or possibly "xrdb -override ~/.Xresources". The override doesn't do exactly what I would have thought at first. It doens't remove the old stuff, but simply adds to the existing stuff, and if there is an entry for something that already exists, it is replaced. -merge on the other hand adds to the original, but doesn't remove or override anything, it simply adds to it and then sorts them lexicographically.
If you changed it to ".Xdefaults" and rebooted then I assume your settings are being loaded.
I also made sure that the icon file is in the directory I pointed to in the config file.... is that what you where asking with the first question?
That's right. You should be able to see the image with:
firefox /home/user/.config/archlinuxiconcrystal128.png
or whatever application you use to view images.
I notice you're loading a PNG file. libpng has had new releases within the past two weeks. Your problem might be related to that or some other upgraded package.
Are you using any AUR or testing packages that might be a problem?
Last edited by drcouzelis (2013-05-16 14:16:01)
There were actually many fucked up png's that didn't work with the new libpng. This is supposed to have been fixed by upstream, but when it happened, in order to take case of it, optipng was used to fix all the borked pngs. Offhand I can't remember hwo exactly it was used, but if you go searching through the mailing lists archive, you can find the script they used to fix them all. I am not sure that this is what your problem is, but I figure it is worth a try.
To be honest I can't really think of any AUR packages that could have caused this. I remember this happening temporarily last time I ran pacman -Syu. I fixed itt just by moving the icon file and reloading ~/.Xresources. That didn't work this time.
EDIT: Something I just noticed is that everythings theme is suddenly a little different. I have a dark theme, and every application that I open(transmission, authentication pop-ups, gedit, etc) was also in the dark theme. After updating now alot of that stuff is in the default boring white-ish theme. I don't know if that has anything to do with it but it might....
Last edited by xworld (2013-05-16 16:47:09)
All of those applications are GTK3 applications. Many GTK3 themes broke with the recent update to GTK 3.8. And by "recent" I mean "a couple months ago". Did you just get done doing a massive update to your system? What packages did you update (as is recorded in the pacman log) when the urxvt stopped working?
I did just do a massive update. Unfortunately my pacman.log file is rather.....empty. I wrote a script to null all log files for security purposes. I forgot to exclude pacman.log
Wow I really screwed myself here.
Last edited by xworld (2013-05-16 17:58:21)
Well, if the only thing that's wrong with your computer is that one icon isn't working correctly, it certainly could be worse.
I'm not sure, but errors from xrdb settings might be sent to the X log or the terminal output (if you use "startx"). Are there any errors there?
Also, what window manager are you using? Some of them can set an application icon on their own.
I have had a type in my .Xresources before, and it certainly tells you about it right then and there.
I have had a type in my .Xresources before.
Oh my gosh. Do you mean "typo"? Is your comment funny? Because it might be pretty funny.
For me it has stopped working too. version 9.18-2 works well, so You can downgrade. I reported the bug, but I'm not sure was it the right (I do not have the experience).
WonderWoofy wrote:I have had a type in my .Xresources before.
Oh my gosh. Do you mean "typo"? Is your comment funny? Because it might be pretty funny.
Indeed I meant typo. Indeed that is quite funny. You sir, are a doctor of awesome.
BTW in rxvt-unicode 9.18-3 support for gdk-pixbuf2 was removed (someone disliked the dependencies). This could be why the icon doesn't show up.
BTW in rxvt-unicode 9.18-3 support for gdk-pixbuf2 was removed (someone disliked the dependencies). This could be why the icon doesn't show up.
Woah, really? I wouldn't have noticed since I'm using a patched urxvt from the AUR. Curious.
anonymous_user wrote:BTW in rxvt-unicode 9.18-3 support for gdk-pixbuf2 was removed (someone disliked the dependencies). This could be why the icon doesn't show up.
Woah, really? I wouldn't have noticed since I'm using a patched urxvt from the AUR. Curious.
In case, you wanted to rid yourself of that AUR package and use the one from the repos you can use "URxvt*letterspace: -2" in your ~/.Xresources or ~/.Xdefaults, and things look pretty much the same.
Edit: Credit for this amazing bit of info goes to jasonwryan.
Last edited by WonderWoofy (2013-05-18 04:53:24)
In case, you wanted to rid yourself of that AUR package and use the one from the repos you can use "URxvt*letterspace: -2" in your ~/.Xresources or ~/.Xdefaults, and things look pretty much the same.
Oh, thank you, I actually use the package "rxvt-unicode-patched-left_ptr-unicode3".
BTW in rxvt-unicode 9.18-3 support for gdk-pixbuf2 was removed (someone disliked the dependencies). This could be why the icon doesn't show up.
Yes, anonymous_user very much solved this thread. I was just bitten by switching to the rxvt-unicode package in the official repositories too.
Here is the relevant information:
This is the change referred to by anonymous_user: … c92e03cc65
The bug reports:
I fixed the icon by using the ABS to modify the PKGBUILD file for rxvt-unicode. It was extremely simple. Simply change "--disable-pixbuf" to "--enable-pixbuf".
I threw it to the AUR.
Thanks for the help guys. I picked up the AUR package.
The AUR package with this fix seems to have been deleted?
Yes. Here for more information:
I recommend remove rxvt-unicode-pixbuf and use: rxvt-unicode-patched
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