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Does anyone know of a standalone calendar app (GTK based would be great) that has datebook functionallity?
pacman -S gdeskcal ?
maybe sunbird? don't know how far along it is.
gdeskcal is too simple and sunbird isn't complete yet. i'd use evolution but it requires GNOME libs that I don't have installed and don't really want.
maybe sunbird? don't know how far along it is.
it works pretty well, even has a nice webdav feature to share calendars among a team and stuff. the problem is only that its build system is fscked up even worse than firefox's is. like on --prefix=/opt/mozilla part of it goes into /usr/local an another to /mozilla. doesn't sound that far yet, does it?
i'm still looking into package this little bugger and will put it on the aur asap.
I recognize that while theory and practice are, in theory, the same, they are, in practice, different. -Mark Mitchell
The SVN version of xfcalendar is simple, but it might be able to do what you want.
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Mozilla Calendar is an extension to either firefox or thunderbird and can be added jsut like any other extension or theme; just go the the extension site and click install now. not only is it easy to install but it works great.
yaeh thats great but he wants a standalone application :!:
xfcalendar without xfce would be very nice...