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I faced that there are some problems with qtiplot and muparser 2.2.3-1 on an arch x86_64 machine. The bug occurs as follows:
→ open qtiplot
→ enter some numbers in first column
→ make right click on second column and choose "set column values"
→ in dialog choose "Add column" and then "Apply"
→ the resulting error log says: "There's no row 0 in table Table1!"
For debian bug report see … 22549.html
Unfortunately the last update of muparser was from 1.34 to 2.2.3. However, 1.34 created some errors when trying to run qtiplot. As I recognised the bug, but found no bugfix I want to share my solution. I created a workaround by building muparser 2.0.0 myself. To Do so do the following:
→ download PKGBUILD from … s/muparser
→ in PKGBUILD change version number to 2.0.0
→ change md5sum according to source page: … n%202.2.0/
→ run makekg
→ make sure that only your build and the actual qtiplot are installed
Now, the problem should be gone.
Last edited by Polly (2013-05-25 14:11:30)
Thank you, very useful. In your message one typo:
→ in PKGBUILD change version number to 2.2.0
(arch i686)
Last edited by sirocco (2013-05-31 10:00:01)
That depends, on which version of muparser you want to use. I used 2.0.0 but faced later, that changing the plot details may cause a core dump. Does it run fluently with 2.2.0?
There was an error like this: Segmentation fault on "Plot associations" change.
Changing versions of the muparser (1.34, 2.0.0, 2.2.0, 2.2.3) gave nothing.
Helped lift the data plot in the layer properties above fitting curve.
Last edited by sirocco (2013-06-01 08:51:43)
It seems, that there are different problems and it seems, they are related to the interaction with muparser. The import problem only persists with the actual muparser lib whereas the plot associations bug only appears with the older muparser versions. However, muparser 1.34 and the old version of QtiPlot (don't know the version from scratch now) did work perfectly. I just didn't want to downgrade some parts of my system dependend on this.
Last edited by Polly (2013-06-01 13:43:07)
You can install muparser 1.34 and then rebuild qtiplot (through ABS or AUR - qtiplot-opj). It works.
Just in case anyone stumbles across the Thread: I am running qtiplot and muparser 1.34-2 now, it works fine. I just had to build libpng 1.5 from AUR.
I faced that there are some problems with qtiplot and muparser 2.2.3-1 on an arch x86_64 machine.
Thanks for the tip. Just wanted to add that using QtiPlot with muparser version up to 2.2.2 will not result in the bug mentioned.
Bug is open (#36285). The patch is available.
I've had numerous problems with this solution. FIrst of all the PKGBUILD for qtiplot from ABS seems to be out of date. The download link from Berlios is gone and I had to change it to: … r}.tar.bz2 in order to apply the gentoo patch I needed.
The muparser solution is also not possible due, as far as I can tell, to old versions of muparser no longer being available on sourceforge.
I still don't know if my problems are gone but this is what I had to do to even get to compile in the patch.
Nope. Package fails to build due to missing pyqtconfig, which seems to have been removed from pyqt4. Looks like this is broken.
Last edited by jackwild (2014-08-17 21:20:23)