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i want to make a very simple package that can be installed with pacman.
i just want to copy a few files from the package to the /usr directory.
i read the wiki on this but it seems pretty "overkill" for the thing i want to do.
perhaps someone can give me a little hint how this can be done...
It's not overkill - that's about all I can say.
If it doesn't depend on anything and is hugely simple the it can be very short e.g.:
# Contributor: dibblethewrecker <>
pkgdesc="Interactive linux console application which shows bandwidth consumed and total data transferred on all interfaces."
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname
install -D -m755 ibmonitor $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/ibmonitor
That is a "perfect" PKGBUILD, it doesn't get much simpler than that
You need to install ABS. Then have a look at a few PKGBUILDs and see how they do it. Copy one and customise it for your package.
It may take a couple of tries, but I think it's easier to learn by example.
what does this mean in detail
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname
install -D -m755 ibmonitor $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/ibmonitor
It's simple bash. If you want to fully understand it you need to learn about bash.
All PKGBUILDs include a build () function, which includes all the commands to create the pkg. In this example we cd to the dir that the source is extracted to (surely that is obvious tho) - $startdir is a makepkg variable that basically means "the dir from which you run makepkg" i.e. the dir that contains the PKGBUILD. Aside from the cd command there is an install command and man install will tell you all about how that works. The usage of the install command should be fairly self explanitory - if not I suggest you copy the PKGBUILD to a PKGBUILD file, run makepkg and see what happens
is it possible to find packages of some programs found in unsupported (from AUR) already packaged?
I know i am lazy, but that would be nice.
use aurbuild, it builds the package transparently:
aurbuild -b somepackageinaur
thanks for the very fast reply!
looks great...
does it automatically builds and installs dependencies?
i have tried with scigraphica, it asked for dependencies so I aurbuilded them. But for libscigraphica, i had an error:
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop
is there a way i could fix it?
It could be that libscigraphica depends on python-numarray which is in AUR. Have you installed python-numarray?
Yes it does check for dependancies, but only builds or installs them if they are official packages. If the package requires other dependancies from aur then you have to explicity tell aurbuild to build them. For me the line to aurbuild would be
aurbuild -s python-numarray libscigraphica scigraphica
This program calls on makepkg to build the package and makepkg will not attempt to build if the dependancies are not satisfied as specified in the PKGBUILD.
This built fine for me so there may be a dependacy I already have installed that you don't but is not specified in the PKGBUILD.
yes, it is installed.
aurbuild -s python-numarray libscigraphica scigraphica
aurbuild -s libscigraphica scigraphica
(this last one since python-numarray was explicitly installed)
give me the same make problem.
since it works for you, Penguin, then I think you're right and the problem lies within dependencies that are not on the pkgbuild.
since it works for you, Penguin, then I think you're right and the problem lies within dependencies that are not on the pkgbuild.
Try to build libscigraphica manually by downloading the PKGBUILD and running makepkg. Post the errors that it will give you.
building libscigraphica manually also doesn't work. I've got the following:
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Abort
==> ERROR: Build failed. Aborting.
does configure fail before that? If configure fails, no Makefile is generated
is it possible to find packages of some programs found in unsupported (from AUR) already packaged?
I know i am lazy, but that would be nice.
Here's a funny thing - I'm looking at the libscigraphica page in the AUR, and there's a comment. Let's see what it says:
You can download a binary version from the AEGIS [gis] repo
Server =
It's almost like he was expecting you....
i've got the following, right after downloading the source files and before checking many many things:
configure: WARNING: 'missing' script is too old or missing
tomk wrote:
dibblethewrecker wrote:
You can download a binary version from the AEGIS [gis] repo
Server =
ok.. got it.. not easy to find the site of the AEGIS
many thanx for the help to all of you, the arch community is amazing. It's been about one year now i have been with arch, and i've learned a lot
Yeah. sorry. they all moved - I can't update all the links! My sig has the correct address in it tho
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