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This is the weirdest thing I've even seen. I installed SLiM as display manager on my new box, however the next time I then restarted the computer, the wireless keyboard (Logitech mk520) did not work anymore? Connecting my old wired keyboard, and everything works like a charm again. Disabling slim ('sudo systemctl disable slim' and 'sudo shutdown -r now') and the wireless keyboard works fine again.
I find this so weird that I don't even know where to address this issue. Is at a HW bug in the keyboard or a SW bug in SLiM? Or is it general to all display managers? Let me test gdm....
Best regards,
When the wireless keybord does not work, is this just within x or does it not work in the tty as well. I suspect that it is just not working with x, but I could be wrong.
I'm back from vacation, and I'm trying out this some more. It looks like the wireless keyboard+mouse combo does not work if it is connected when X is already running. So, if I reboot my box, and launch into tty mode, and then log in (which I can do since the keyboard works), I can type startx to launch Xorg, and the keyboard still works. However, if I start in in X, with Slim or gdm or set my user to automatically launch Xorg, the keyboard does not work?
If I disconnect the keyboard by unplugging the nano receiver (while in Xorg), and then plug it back in, the keyboard stops working.
Can anyone explain this? Can anyone suggest any further tests. Any lsmod output I can grep for or anything to provide me more info on what's failing.