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I need a recent kernel to get my onboard NIC working. I´m going to build the archck kernel for x86_64. I want to go with the pkgbuild from the stock arch64 kernel mixing with the existing 32bit archck kernel pkgbuild.
1. Where can I find all the pkgbuilds for existing x86_64 packages?
2. It would be nice if someone can point me all needed changes in the kernel config for 64bit. Or I will take the existing config and will look at it doing a diff to the 32bit one. Maybe the gentoo_AMD64 kernel can help me too.
What do you think? Is the archck patchset also the best to go with for arch64 or should we start with the ck-patchset?
Offline is back up ... so you should soon be able to access svn ..
not sure if you can grab them from :?
If you wait for few more days we may see a archck64 kernel
In the menatime feel free to build your own (Have got PKGBUILD here if you need it!)
Mr Green
A pkgbuild would be nice. So far I ´ve built it from source.