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#1 2013-08-02 17:38:32

Registered: 2013-07-20
Posts: 4

nordlicht – a library that creates colorful video barcodes


I built a library to create video barcodes in the style of the moviebarcode Tumblr. For example, this is the barcode of "Tears of Steel":


Long term goal is to integrate these in video players, to allow for faster navigation. I put it in the AUR as nordlicht-git.

You can find more information at the GitHub page, a experimental VLC integration exists as well (for screenshots, see 1, 2).

If you'd like to create your own barcodes, the above packet installs a "nordlicht" binary: It takes a video files as a parameter and creates a PNG out of it. Any feedback would be very valuable to me!

Known problems: For now, the library uses only the video's keyframes, which can lead to larger segments of the same color, depending on the encoding. When you try to create very wide barcodes, it sometimes crashes for yet unknown reasons. And, it could be generally faster, but there's quite a potential for optimization ;-)

Kind regards,

Last edited by blinry (2013-08-02 22:42:17)


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