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Those labels listed there with numbers should be bold. I set the font to Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, and lost the bold. This works fine on Windows with the same font settings, so I know it's not a limitation of the font.
This happens with both Firefox 1.0.7 and 1.5.
I am self bumping, and also adding in the part where I ask a real question, instead of just implying one:
How do I get the bold back? Does this happen to anyone else? /etc/fonts/* look fine and have nothing related to this. Could it be related to Pango?
Just logged into Gmail to see what's happening for my box. But tut, tut, Google:
XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </br>. Location:
Line Number 26, Column 393:
... <span class="gaia le lbl"> Username: </span> <br> </div>