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So apparently Konqueror 3.5 now has ad blocking. Question is, how do I use it? I've searched every possible menu and configuration screen and I can't find any reference to it.
Edit: Also, why is my K Menu icon now a blank page?
It works similar to the adblocking future in firefox.
Go to Settings -->> configure konqueror -->> adBlocK Filters
now add some expresions in the Expression field, most likely things like:
After each entry click on the insert button to show them up in the 'URL Expression to Filter'-list
Don't know about your menu icon, deleting your .kde dir should probably solve it, be sure to backup things in there if you want to keep things
Go to Settings -->> configure konqueror -->> adBlocK Filters
How could I have missed that? ...
kmenu icon also missing after my upgrade to kde 3.5.
All kmenu icons are missing in crystalsvg icon set. Fortunately I had a copy of them on the backup drive and a simply copy restored normality.
kmenu icon also missing after my upgrade to kde 3.5.
All kmenu icons are missing in crystalsvg icon set. Fortunately I had a copy of them on the backup drive and a simply copy restored normality.
All I can say, it's not when doing a fresh install, so please try removing your .kde dir
kmenu icon also missing after my upgrade to kde 3.5.
I had this problem also. The crystalsvg kmenu.png files are there in the kdelibs-3.5.0-3.pkg.tar.gz package file so I have no idea why they didn't install. I just untarred the package in /tmp & copied in the files - all is O.K. now.
All I can say, it's not when doing a fresh install, so please try removing your .kde dir
I created a new user and logged in... and the KMenu icon was still blank. I will try what alterkacker did.