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#1 2013-09-16 06:10:25

Registered: 2013-09-16
Posts: 2

Where would one find the .config files for the old archlinuxarm..?

I've been having many issues trying to resurrect archlinuxarm on my Mac Mini G4, and I feel as if a recompile of the kernel may be necessary. Although, it would be nice to have a starting point, such as a .config file, to possibly even produce newer kernels for the PowerPC architecture. If anyone is curious of the issues, one of them was that the kernel could not find the root partition, and if I specified one manually, it would hang with: "Unable to mount root fs via NFS, trying floppy." It would not recognize keyboard input if I got to an emergency shell, suggesting missing kernel modules in the image.


#2 2013-09-16 11:56:55

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: Where would one find the .config files for the old archlinuxarm..?

Arch Linux ARM is - as th name implies - for the ARM architecture, not for PowerPC.
There used to be a PPC Arch-based distro, but it has been dead for a while … hLinux_PPC

Search the forum, some threads aren't very old so maybe you can e-mail the participants, if they don't respond to this thread.
You may try to find some help on sites like or
See also


#3 2013-09-16 23:53:34

Registered: 2013-09-16
Posts: 2

Re: Where would one find the .config files for the old archlinuxarm..?

PowerMiester wrote:

I've been having many issues trying to


archlinuxarm on my Mac Mini G4, and I feel as if a recompile of the kernel may be necessary. Although,

it would be nice to have a starting point

, such as a .config file, to possibly even produce newer kernels for the PowerPC architecture. If anyone is curious of the issues, one of them was that the kernel could not find the root partition, and if I specified one manually, it would hang with: "Unable to mount root fs via NFS, trying floppy." It would not recognize keyboard input if I got to an emergency shell, suggesting missing kernel modules in the image.


#4 2013-09-17 00:06:30

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,426

Re: Where would one find the .config files for the old archlinuxarm..?

Please desist with the passive aggressive self-quoting complete with the internet equivalent of shouting.

karol is trying to help you. PPC is dead. He has provided you with your starting point, rather than resort to snark, you could express some gratitude: … ther_Users

Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

Registered Linux User #482438


#5 2013-09-17 04:12:03

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,354

Re: Where would one find the .config files for the old archlinuxarm..?

From my Gentoo days, I can suggest you look at kernel seeds.  The guy who runs this is legendary on Gentoo and knows his kernel configurations up one side and down the other.

Also, allow me to second what my colleague so succinctly stated above.  Karol needs no defense, but I shall anyway; his generosity towards this distribution with his personal time is beyond amazing -- be grateful, not snarky.

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
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