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over the course of the last couple weeks i had installed several differant linux distros i guess based on boredom and curiousity. out of all the distros i tried i found that i liked arch the most. when i say i liked it the most , i mean after i took the time to get the sound and video up and running with network connectivity and all the little tweaks i could muster, arch ran faster and with even more stability than all the others. so im pretty much posting this to simply say, 'i love this distro. it rules.' nothing even comes close to it. not debian, not gentoo, and definately not any rpm distro. so i just thought id throw up some props to the people who have gotten this distro off to such a great start.
This distro has been like reaching enlightenment to me. No distro ever lasted more than a few weeks on my machine. I had the same install of Arch on my machine since August, and I just now reinstalled it because I screwed up my machine after my hard disk filled up, time to start anew, hehe. I have made probably over a dozen different packages for arch linux and I love being able to update to the latest and greatest versions even if the package maintainers haven't caught up. Nothing like changing one line and then being able to update to the new version. I am glad to see another person has come to love Arch. Arch has changed since I first came to it, there weren't as many packages available as there are now, it just amazes me. Even some of my packages I made, eventually made it into the repositories. So it feels good to actually have some sort of ability to cause change or do something good that others can use. I rarely made packages for other distros, I think I made a few in slackware, but arch really has a niche for making packages easily.
Kritoke Registered Linux User #318963
yeah, there are a couple of apps i generally like that i didn't see in the repositiries but i think i can teach myself how to put them together. i see no real reason not because if i intend to use them, then maybe someone else might want to as well. it most likely won't happen right off, as i want to get more familar with the subtle differences of arch. but hopefully soon.
yeah, there are a couple of apps i generally like that i didn't see in the repositiries but i think i can teach myself how to put them together. i see no real reason not because if i intend to use them, then maybe someone else might want to as well.
That's the spirit of Arch Linux.... <b>"to give a little something back to the free software community, since I've taken so much".</b> (Judd Vinet - apeiro)
6.2 What is ARCH LINUX all about? What's it trying to do?
ARCH LINUX is my perfect distro, to sum it up. I started building it for two reasons:
1. I didn't find any other distributions that met my ideals. Some came very close to what I wanted but there were annoying quirks, or an added complexity that seemed to hurt more than help.
2. For fun, and to give a little something back to the free software community, since I've taken so much.
I'll second, or third, or whatever, that too.
After completely giving up on Windoze for a number of reasons, maybe its cruddiness and that its a *little* too extortionate, for such a useless OS, I decided to install Linux; after installing RedHat, Vector, Gentoo, Debian, Slackware and Libranet, I've settled on Arch. Based on my brief, but informative experiences with the other distros, I came to love the ease of installation, use and package management of Arch, and now run this box as a web/mail/ftp server.
The only troubles I've had were with gaim and SSL support and PHP/MySQL issues. Having used it since August or so, I've learnt more since then, than I would have ever learned under RedHat, a comment I'd expect a lot of people to have made.
Nice one Judd, and of course all the the developers that have contributed to the distro.
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