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#1 2005-12-14 20:22:22

From: Poland
Registered: 2005-10-12
Posts: 352

Arch ports - status?


I'd like to ask about the status of ArchLinux ports for other architectures. Some time ago I've been digging through the mailing list and read the discusion regarding the integration of ports (ppc, x86-64) with Arch. I remember a discussion regarding the PKBUILD styles (whether to have different PKBUILDS for each arch. or rather one PKBUILD with some complicated arch. specific sections).

While I know that the Arch64 project exists, I'd want to ask whether there will be an attempt to unify Arch with it's child projects.

I mean, it would be great to have packages for different architectures compiled and ready to get from the current tree, and PKGBUILDS which can be compiled on one of the supported platforms.

I'm particularly interested in the x86-64 port, as I'm considering buying a AMD Turion laptop and would  like to run Arch on it. But I'd much prefer running proper ArchLinux using the x86-64 rather than a separate child project Arch64.

Anyone could give some info about the latest decisions regarding ports and their integration with Arch?


#2 2005-12-14 20:33:16

Schwag Merchant
From: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2004-01-18
Posts: 5,986

Re: Arch ports - status?

There are three ports projects, ppc, 64 bit, and i586 (not sure if the latter is still alive). I don't know much about anything but 64 bit, but I assume the status is about equal for all. arch64 is very beta and sporadically updated. A few more dedicated developers with free time would be a wonderful thing there :-)

These aren't forks of arch linux, but are just ports; if they ever go stable with a semi-professional dev team and user community, I'm sure Judd will allow them back into the archlinux proper fold. That's the general idea, anyway. So yeah, they're ports, not forks.

Integration is a long ways off though, they need a lot more bugfixing and testing.

I use Arch32 on my system, the 64 bit port isn't stable enough for my needs right now and I don't havet he time to develop it that I would like. sad



#3 2005-12-15 01:40:27

Registered: 2005-10-16
Posts: 155

Re: Arch ports - status?

I'd love to be able to use an i586 version of arch. I have a k6-2 that feels left alone.


#4 2005-12-18 16:48:57

Registered: 2005-11-11
Posts: 102

Re: Arch ports - status?

Same here. i586 arch would be nice on my p1. Debian also works, but yea.. it's not so fun as arch wink

As is true for most people I know, I've always loved learning. As is also true for most people I know, I always hated school. Why is that?


#5 2005-12-18 18:13:16

Schwag Merchant
From: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2004-01-18
Posts: 5,986

Re: Arch ports - status?

feel free to join the project. I'm not sure who to contact, but I'm sure the info is somewhere in these forums.



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