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Hello everybody,
i am having some issues with this IDE, i managed to install the normal arduino IDE with the PKGBUILD,
but with this other that has a different programmer Intel Izmer, i can launch it but when i go for compiling it gives error, something im sure you would recognize but i can't:
File "/home/hank/Arduino/hardware/tools/", line 98
Setting it up...SDK could not be set up. Relocate script failed. Abort!
print "ERROR: could not relocate %s, interp size = %i and %i is needed." % (elf_file_name, p_memsz, len(new_dl_path) + 1)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Also both the arduino IDEs continue to say me that i have no permission to create lock file even if i have added my account into uucp group
the problem was that i forgot that arch uses python3 on default , just had to
ln -s python2 python
ln -s python2-config python-config
Last edited by Hank0 (2013-10-16 20:38:20)
Same problem, solved it the same way. This, however, sets python2 as default system-wide. Is there a way to just point python2 to the Galileo IDE?
Setting it up.../tmp/tmp.9Bl67DGpPW/ /home/john/opt/arduino-1.5.3/hardware/tools/
File "/home/john/opt/arduino-1.5.3/hardware/tools/", line 98
print "ERROR: could not relocate %s, interp size = %i and %i is needed." % (elf_file_name, p_memsz, len(new_dl_path) + 1)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
SDK could not be set up. Relocate script failed. Abort!
I have encountered the same problem shown above.
I solved it as follows:
I substitute the first line of the following file:
(/home/john/opt/arduino-1.5.3/hardware/tools/ with " #!/usr/bin/env python2 "
Thanks for the fix guys,
I was just about getting pissed off and you saved me a lot of time. Thanks.
Anyway, is there a solution to that lock file issue? I also added my user to the lock and uucp groups but only as root i don't receive these errors..
check_group_uucp(): error testing lock file creation Error details:Keine Berechtigungcheck_lock_status: No permission to create lock file.
please see: How can I use Lock Files with rxtx? in INSTALL
Thanks in advance.