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I've just installed Quod Libet, and it's great... But the sound quality is markedly worse than with MPD, at least for MP3s. I get a lot of buzzing at an MP3's peaks of volume, and the sound has a kind of fuzzy, indistinct quality to it that it doesn't have with MPD, or with any other music player.
What's the problem here? Is it that Quod Libet uses mad instead of LAME for MP3 decoding, or something?
i don't have any problems with quodlibet sound quality. Quodlibet uses gstreamer. You could try to re-install them. Or you could try to change the output from alsalink to oss or whatever you want, check the quodlibet for more information on that.
Don't forget the quodlibet plugins, these are great, like lyrics download or albumart download.
Greetinx Atze
Tried changing the GStreamer outputs, didn't do a thing.
If Quod Libet uses GStreamer, why does it need pymad to play MP3s and pyflac to play FLAC, when there are GStreamer plugins to handle those? :?
(There was just an upgrade for Quod Libet, which I installed. Sound still sucks. :x )
Ahh... I think I figured out the problem: my SB128 was getting ready to give up the ghost.
Edit: Nope... Just a lot of dust that managed to get into the audio ports. That card won't die while I can help it.