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the xfce4 desktop and the pop menu font size is to small,
how to change the font size of the desktop popmenu?
I believe you just need to right click on the desktop and select settings (all) and popup menu for "Settings Manager" will let you select "User Interfaces" and then click on the fonts to change most of your views. The "Taskbar" option under "Settings Manager" will let you customize that a little more. Hope this is what you were looking for.
Rule #1: There are NO RULES!
the xfce4 desktop and the pop menu font size is to small,
how to change the font size of the desktop popmenu?
Well, it depends. If only your xfce4 related fonts are to small, then skeeter's
posting will do the trick. If all your fonts are a bit to small, then you better
edit the xintrc file in /opt/xfce4/etc. The Xft.dpi settings are related to the
X-servers resolution. Increase the number to enlarge the fonts.
bye neri
thanks a lot,now it works