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After working through trying to install the mpide for Chipkit, I managed to get mpide to connect to a Microchip Max32 board with Arch Linux x86_64. The wiki appears to be out-of-date, so I wanted to mention a few things here so the wiki can be updated by whomever handles the updates.
The first thing is the list of packages needed to be installed. After research and trial-and-error, I discovered that these packages needed to be installed:
java-rxtx (the wiki shows rxtx which appears to have winked out of existence... I couldn't find it. java-rxtx replaced it)
I did not need to set up any drivers for the kernel. Once I plugged the board in, the connection was seen with the dmesg | tail command.
The second part is to make sure mpide is configured correctly. Under Tools/Serial Port, there should be a USB option (mine was /dev/ttyUSB0). Also, make sure the Tools/Board is set to the board you have.
Once this is set up, try uploading a simple program to the board ('Blink' from the example library is one). Hope this helps!
Silence is golden.... duct tape is silver.
Time flies like the wind,
Fruit flies like bananas.
It's a wiki, you can update it yourself.
You need to register an account and log in. The wiki account is separate from the forum one.
It's a wiki, you can update it yourself.
You need to register an account and log in. The wiki account is separate from the forum one.
I tried to do that recently with a new account and still was not able to do so. Maybe something has changed in the past week? I'll try it again. At least for now, the information here is available for anyone who needs it.
Silence is golden.... duct tape is silver.
Time flies like the wind,
Fruit flies like bananas.
Please do post if you're having problems with creating a wiki account.
Page updated. I hope it follows the standard format correctly. I only changed the 64 bit Requirements as that is the only thing I installed. Also, I left the previous section between comment tags in case it needed to be referred to later. Just FYI.
Silence is golden.... duct tape is silver.
Time flies like the wind,
Fruit flies like bananas.